How to get the Lucidscroll plug up and running in a single div


Viewed 30 times


I’m using a pluggin called Lucidscroll that makes the page scroll have a softer animation during the scroll, but I just wanted it to work up in just one div.

The plug page is this:

My code:

var frameNumber = 0, // start video at frame 0
  // lower numbers = faster playback
  playbackConst = 500,
  // get page height from video duration
  setHeight = document.getElementById("set-height"),
  // select video element         
  vid = document.getElementById('myVideo');
// var vid = $('#v0')[0]; // jquery option

// dynamically set the page height according to video length
vid.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() { = Math.floor(vid.duration) * playbackConst + "px";

// Use requestAnimationFrame for smooth playback
function scrollPlay() {
  var frameNumber = window.pageYOffset / playbackConst;
  vid.currentTime = frameNumber;


$(window).on('load', function() {

  /* $(this).impulse(); */

  $("set-height").hover(function() {
    var item = $('.boxes');

      range: item.height(),
      effect: 'swing',
      delay: true,
  }, function() {
      range: 500,
      delay: false,

 * LucidScroll
 * Created by Shikkediel (c) 2013-2019
 * Version 3.4.3
 * Requires jQuery 1.8.0+
 * Includes easing equations

(function($, nib) {

  $.fn.impulse = function(options) {

    var set = $.extend({}, $.fn.impulse.default, options),
      gate = $(nib),
      vessel = this,
      object = $(,
      area = {},
      edge = [],
      fad = {},
      entity, brink = [],
      outset = [],
      quit = [],
      way, speed, destined = [],
      pour = 'requestAnimationFrame',
      use = $.extend({
        novel: pour in nib,
        turned: 0
      }, set);


    vessel.each(function(hit) {

      use = $.extend({}, use);

      $(this).data('impulse', use).on('wheel.excite', function(act, info) {

        if (!use.keen && !act.mien) return;

        if (act.mien) {
          fad = $.extend({}, use, info);
          use.annul = fad.delay == true;
          var loom = act.mien;
          fad.fluid = false;
        } else {
          if (use.annul) return;
          fad = use;
          loom = act.originalEvent.deltaY;

        loom = loom / Math.abs(loom);

        if (use.crux) {
          entity = $(this);
          brink[0] = edge[hit];
        } else {
          entity = object;
          brink = edge;

          range: 'orbit',
          tempo: 'pace'
        }, function(slot, mate) {
          if (typeof fad[slot] === 'function') fad[mate] = fad[slot]();
          else fad[mate] = fad[slot];

        if (loom != use.zeal || act.mien) use.turned = 1;
        else use.turned = Math.min(use.curb, use.turned + 1);

        if (!fad.delay && fad.fluid && use.turned == 1) morph = 'curve';
        else morph = fad.effect;

        way = loom * fad.orbit * Math.pow(use.leap, use.turned - 1);
        speed = fad.pace * Math.pow(use.sloth, use.turned - 1) || 1;
        use.zeal = loom;

        entity.each(function(part) {
          outset[part] = $(this).scrollTop();
          destined[part] = outset[part] + way;
          quit[part] = onFringe(this, part, outset[part]);

        use.waive = ceaseOperation();

        if (!way) speed = 1;
        if (use.novel) {
          if (use.motion) {
            use.initial = use.present;
          } else use.initial =;
          use.motion = nib[pour](streamCore);
        } else inciteSource();

      this.addEventListener('wheel', function(tick) {

        if (!use.keen) return;
        if (use.annul) return denyRise(tick);
        else if (fad.delay == true && !use.waive) use.annul = true;
        if (!(use.waive && use.occur)) denyRise(tick);

      }, hasQuiet() ? {
        passive: false
      } : false);

    $.easing['curve'] = $.easing['easeInOutSine'];

    gate.resize(function() {
      use.bound = setTimeout(detectOverflow, 100);

    return this;

    function streamCore() {
      use.present =;
      var advance = Math.min(use.present - use.initial, speed) / speed,
        increase = $.easing[morph](advance);
      entity.each(function(key) {
        if (!quit[key]) {
          $(this).scrollTop(outset[key] + increase * way);
          checkLimits(this, key, advance);
      if (advance < 1 && !use.waive) use.motion = nib[pour](streamCore);
      else hindStage();

    function inciteSource() {
      entity.each(function(beat) {
        if (!quit[beat]) {
            scrollTop: destined[beat]
          }, {
            duration: speed,
            easing: morph,
            progress: function(current, sequence) {
              checkLimits(this, beat, sequence);
            complete: hindStage

    function checkLimits(essence, rank, factor) {
      if (100 * factor >= fad.reset) use.turned = 0;
      if (onFringe(essence, rank)) {
        quit[rank] = true;
        if (!use.novel) $(essence).stop(true, true);
        use.waive = ceaseOperation();

    function onFringe(matter, cue, genesis) {
      var put = Math.round(genesis || $(matter).scrollTop()),
        above = destined[cue] < 0 && !put,
        below = destined[cue] > brink[cue] && put == brink[cue] && fad.orbit > 0;
      return above || below;

    function ceaseOperation() {
      return quit.every(function(flag) {
        return flag

    function hindStage() {
      use.turned = use.annul = use.motion = 0;

    function denyRise(jab) {

    function elementAnalysis() {
      var item = $();
      if (!object.length) {
        use.crux = true;
        object = vessel;
      object.each(function() {
        if ($.zenith(this)) {
          if (!use.main) {
            if (use.novel) use.main = nib;
            else use.main = baseTag();
            item = item.add(use.main);
        } else item = item.add(this);
      }); = object = item;
      object.each(function(zest) {
        if ($.zenith(this)) area[zest] = 'hub';
        else area[zest] = 'sub';
      if (use.crux && use.main) vessel = object;

    function baseTag() {
      var origin = gate.scrollTop();
      if ($('html').scrollTop()) var root = 'html';
      else if ($('body').scrollTop()) root = 'body';
      else root = 'html, body';
      return root;

    function detectOverflow() {
      object.each(function(peg) {
        if (area[peg] == 'hub') var teem = $(document).height() - gate.height();
        else teem = this.scrollHeight - $(this).height();
        edge[peg] = Math.round(teem);

    function hasQuiet() {
      var cold = false,
        hike = function() {};
      try {
        var aid = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
          get: function() {
            cold = true
        nib.addEventListener('test', hike, aid);
        nib.removeEventListener('test', hike, aid);
      } catch (e) {}
      return cold;

  $.zenith = function(sample) {

    var peak = [nib, document, 'HTML', 'BODY'],
    if (sample) return peak.indexOf(sample) > -1 || peak.indexOf(sample.tagName) > -1;
    $.each(peak, function(spot, detail) {
      facet = $(detail).data('impulse');
      if (facet) return false;
    return facet;

  $.fn.impulse.default = {

    target: '',
    range: 135,
    leap: 1.35,
    tempo: 500,
    sloth: 1.1,
    curb: 5,
    reset: 85,
    effect: 'easeOutSine',
    keen: true,
    delay: false,
    occur: true,
    fluid: true

  $.fn.demit = function() {

    return this.each(function() {
      if ($.zenith(this)) var habit = $.zenith();
      else habit = $(this).data('impulse');
      if (habit) {
        if (habit.novel) cancelAnimationFrame(habit.motion);
        habit.turned = habit.annul = habit.motion = 0;

  $.fn.amend = function(gist) {

    return this.each(function() {
      if ($.zenith(this)) var quirk = $.zenith();
      else quirk = $(this).data('impulse');
      if (quirk) {
        $.each(gist, function(sign, rate) {
          if (sign in quirk) quirk[sign] = rate;

  $.fn.evoke = function(unit) {

    var lot = $.Event('wheel.excite', {
        mien: true
    return this.each(function() {
      if ($.zenith(this)) {
        if (!bulk) {
          bulk = $.zenith();
          if (bulk) $(bulk.main).trigger(lot, unit);
      } else $(this).trigger(lot, unit);
}(jQuery, window));

(function($) {
  var b = {};
  $.each(['Quad', 'Cubic', 'Quart', 'Quint', 'Expo'], function(i, n) {
    b[n] = function(p) {
      return Math.pow(p, i + 2)
  $.extend(b, {
    Sine: function(p) {
      return 1 - Math.cos(p * Math.PI / 2)
    Circ: function(p) {
      return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - p * p)
    Elastic: function(p) {
      return p === 0 || p === 1 ? p : -Math.pow(2, 8 * (p - 1)) * Math.sin(((p - 1) * 80 - 7.5) * Math.PI / 15)
    Back: function(p) {
      return p * p * (3 * p - 2)
    Bounce: function(p) {
      var f, h = 4;
      while (p < ((f = Math.pow(2, --h)) - 1) / 11) {}
      return (1 / Math.pow(4, 3 - h) - 7.5625 * Math.pow((f * 3 - 2) / 22 - p, 2))
  $.each(b, function(n, e) {
    $.easing['easeIn' + n] = e;
    $.easing['easeOut' + n] = function(p) {
      return 1 - e(1 - p)
    $.easing['easeInOut' + n] = function(p) {
      return p < 0.5 ? e(p * 2) / 2 : 1 - e(p * -2 + 2) / 2
.boxes {
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 20;
  background-color: transparent;
  top: 0;
  display: block;
  width: 100%;
  height: 80%;

#box-01 {
  top: 0%;

#box-02 {
  top: 80%;

#box-03 {
  top: 160%;

#set-height {
  display: block;
  height: 20000px;

#content-geral {
  background-color: red;
  height: 1000px;
  color: #000;
  text-align: center;
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;

#content-geral #sub-content-01 {
  position: relative;

#set-height #myVideo {
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="set-height">
  <video id="myVideo" tabindex="0" autobuffer="autobuffer" preload="preload">
                    <source type="video/mp4; codecs=&quot;avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2&quot;" src="">
  <div class="boxes" id="box-01">
    <h1>box 01</h1>
  <div class="boxes" id="box-02">
    <h1>box 02</h1>
  <div class="boxes" id="box-03">
    <h1>box 03</h1>
<div id="content-geral">
  <div id="sub-content-01">


The pluggin only works when this $(this).impulse(); is inside the function, but if it is running during the whole page and I just want to run the plugin when I have the mouse on top of the div "set-height".

What I did the Read plugin was;

$(window).on('load', function() {

  $("set-height").hover(function() {
    var item = $('.boxes');

      range: item.height(),
      effect: 'swing',
      delay: true,
  }, function() {
      range: 500,
      delay: false,

I tried to do as I saw here on the Jquery website but it didn’t work, I also tried to use the scripts they indicate on the plug page but it doesn’t work, the plugin only works when the $(this).impulse(); is active but I don’t want it to affect the whole page.

  • analyzing the documentation, one of the options you can pass on the object passed to Impulse is target, where you inform the selector of the element you want to animate.

  • @ooredpurple I noticed it and tried to put both with "this" both with an id and it didn’t work.

  • from what I understand target expects a string that represents a selector, in this case tries to put as the selector of jquery, for example if it is an id put like this: '#ID', if it is a class '.classe'. The target itself transfers the scroll effect of an element to the input element in the target selector.

  • @ooredpurple Yes I know but it didn’t work, when I scroll with it like this, the page makes the default scroll. If you want you can test my code that way and you can tell me if it’s just me that works like this

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