How to validate and call a message only after clicking a button


Viewed 22 times


I created a Javascript memory game. Everything is working almost perfectly, what I wanted was that the message of "CORRECT COMBINATION" and "INCORRECT COMBINATION", appeared only after I started the game by clicking the button: 'click here to start'. What I realized is that before starting the game and if I click on the cards the message appears anyway. I would like it to appear only after I start the game even by clicking on "Click here to Start".

On the "index.html" screen it looks like this: On the button: "click here to start" <!-- ADD MENSAGEM COMBINAÇÃO CORRETA/INCORRETA --> <div class="row container-fluid"> <div id="mensagem" class="alert alert-success invisible" role="alert"> Combinação!! </div> </div>

And in "tela.js"

I made the following code:

        const MENSAGENS = {
    sucesso: {
        texto: "Combinação Correta!",
        classe: "alert-success"
    erro: {
        texto: "Combinação Incorreta!",
        classe: "alert-danger"

 static async exibirMensagem (sucesso = true) {
        const elemento = document.getElementById(ID_MENSAGEM)
        if(sucesso) {
            elemento.innerText = MENSAGENS.sucesso.texto
        else {
            elemento.innerText = MENSAGENS.erro.texto
        // A mensagem aparece durante 1 segundo e desaparece pois coloquei o async na função.
        await util.timeout(1000)

And then in gameDaMemoria.js I called displayMensage inside the function "checkCombine"


                //  alert('Combinação Incorreta!')

Anyway the functional part, the messages are ok, I just wanted you to activate the messages only after clicking the start button.

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