Delete some elements from a list and concatenate attributes


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Good afternoon, I have a list of Pessoa where class is like this:

public class Pessoa {

    private String nome;
    private String idade;


I set up the list like this:

List<Pessoa> pessoas = new ArrayList<>();
pessoas.add(new Pessoa("Douglas","30"));
pessoas.add(new Pessoa("Leonardo","30"));
pessoas.add(new Pessoa("Douglas","35"));

The list has 3 elements, I need to get the elements whose attribute idade is repeating, deleting one of the elements and in the field nome I will concatenate with comma nome of the excluded element thus:

[Pessoa{nome='Douglas,Leonardo', idade='30'}, Pessoa{nome='Douglas', idade='35'}]

It is possible to do with a single lambda instruction?

  • It is not possible to do with a single lambda function as it is a two-step task: 1-sort the data into one Hashmap to know the repeated elements. 2 - Organize the classified elements in the desired data structure. It will take at least two anonymous functions.

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