Pointer cast


Viewed 54 times


void    *ft_memchr(const void *s, int c, size_t n)
    while (n > 0)
        if (*(unsigned char *) s == c)
            return ((void *)s);
    return (NULL);

What would this be *(unsigned char *)s?

I understand it’s a cast because it’s a void and such, but what I can’t understand and can’t find material to understand is these pointers, for example the first * I no longer know what it is, but from what I’ve seen its existence it already leaves me totally in doubt of the existence of the second pointer.

1 answer


The (unsigned char *) is a cast from any address to an unsigned char type address*.

A unsigned char has a byte size.

The first * is to de-reference the address of s.

As the address of s is now interpreted as a unsigned char will be de-referenced one byte from the address.

And this byte is compared with the variable c.

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