I need to create a complex Json, with several objects, and each object will have items;
"Pedidos": [
"CodCad": "1286",
"CodForPag": "15",
"CodCndPag": "43",
"CodUndAdm": "1",
"DatEmi": "19/05/2021",
"DatSol": "26/04/2021 21:42:00",
"PesCnt": "GLADSON",
"Tel": "0000000000",
"Sta": "0",
"Itens": [
"CodPro": "310",
"CodUnd": "66",
"Qtd": "10",
"Vlr": "11",
"Und": "UN",
"Cmp": "0",
"Lrg": "0",
"M2m": "0",
"Sta": "0",
"VlrDsc": "0",
"VlrTot": "110",
"PrdSrv": "0",
"NumRqc": "",
"NumMapCol": "1",
"EspExt": "60PVD",
"QtdAtd": "0"
"CodPro": "3251",
"CodUnd": "66",
"Qtd": "3",
"Vlr": "15",
"Und": "UN",
"Cmp": "0",
"Lrg": "0",
"M2m": "0",
"Sta": "0",
"VlrDsc": "0",
"VlrTot": "45",
"PrdSrv": "0",
"NumRqc": "",
"NumMapCol": "1",
"EspExt": "",
"QtdAtd": "0"
I realize that when I create a Tjsonobjet and Tjsonarray, and I go Free
in them generate me a violation.
JSon := TJsonObject.Create();
APedidos := TJsonArray.Create();
while not cdsMapOrd001.Eof do
I need to use Freeandnil on all created objects ?
Thank you very much. Clarified. According to what you said I researched and found this topic : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44584751/reportmemoryleaksonshutdown-not-working-in-delphi-10-2-tokyo and the answer speaks of Xe2.
– Gladson Reis
I didn’t understand the use of
ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True
It presents a screen with a lot of information, but nothing in detail. You would have some suggestion for studies ?– Gladson Reis
This screen that appears with A lot of information is telling you what was left in your application without being destroyed.
– Junior Moreira
Complementing Junior’s answer, I advise checking with if Assigned(vJsonResulted) then at the end of the object. Just like the other objects created and remove from memory with vJsonResult := nil; vJsonResulted.free. Because handling with JSON objects can give problem with "pointer error" when finishing Freeandnil().
– Jefferson Rudolf