Git: I used the wrong credentials and now when I try to download the SSH repository, it’s fatal


Viewed 37 times


Falal; Could not read from remote repository

When trying to download repository in SSH, I filled the wrong credentials and now only this error appears:

a assinatura falhou: o agente recusou a operação
[email protected]: Permissão negada (publickey, teclado interativo).
fatal: não foi possível ler do repositório remoto.

Certifique-se de que possui os direitos de acesso corretos
e o repositório existe.

I tried to make another SSH key, but it didn’t work. What can I do to get the repository cloned in the right way?

2 answers


To solve it was necessary to use the git config --list. I saw that my email was not the right one, since it was my personal email. So I used the command below to remove the old email and add the new one:

git config --global "MeuEMail"

If you need to modify the user as well:

git config --global "SeuUsuario"

I had to make another SSH key not to give error again. So I solved the problem.


Do the following, go there at the prompt at the root of your project and type the following command:

git config credential.helper store

When you do, the git console will ask for the credentials again.

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  • vc has git bash installed there? opens in the folder you want to clone Reset and then makes the command try to clone. or if you have access to Repo in git creates an ssh key using the command ssh-keygen dai vc take the pub q it will generate and register your key in git dai vc can clone using Shh instead of https

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  • if you want me t help by anydesk then I see what’s happening. just send the id here and when I connect you delete the msg

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