Error in reference in C#


Viewed 378 times


I’m making this mistake someone knows what it is ?

Warning 1 The Primary Reference "C: Users Denilson Documents Visual Studio 2013 Projects Forklifts Forklifts.DTO bin Debug Forklifts.DTO.dll" could not be resolved because it was built Against the ". Netframework,Version=v4.5" framework. This is a Higher version than the Currently Targeted framework ". Netframework,Version=v4.0". Forklifts.DAO

Warning 2 The referenced project 'Forklifts.DTO' is Targeting a Higher framework version (4.5) than this project’s Current target framework version (4.0). This may lead to build failures if types from assemblies Outside this project’s target framework are used by any project in the dependency chain. Forklifts.DAO

2 answers


You are probably referencing a DLL that uses the Framework . Net 4.5 while in your project uses a version of . Net smaller than 4.0.

This is a Higher version than the Currently Targeted framework ". Netframework,Version=v4.0

  • I am doing a project and just put another class Forklifts.DTO and gave this error, have any solution ?

  • Your project has some restriction on whether or not to use a higher version of . Net?


  1. Right click on the project "Forklifts.DTO"
  2. Properties
  3. Choose the tab "Application"
  4. Under "Target framework", choose ". NET Framework 4.0"

Alternatively, you can perform the same steps to change the "Forklift.DAO" project framework to 4.5

  • Thanks for the help let me ask a stupid question working with V4.0 or I change all to V4.5 what the difference. Thank you so much for your help

  • Here is a complete list of differences: What’s new in the . NET Framework 4.5. In my opinion, the most important difference was the introduction of language async/await with C# 5.0/. NET 4.5.

  • In general, if it is an academic project, use the most current version. If it is a project that will be consumed by other projects (e.g., a library), use the lowest version possible to support the largest number of clients. If it is a project that will not be consumed directly by others (e.g., web application, desktop application), then use the most current version.

  • Thank you very much, A Big Hug

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