Could someone please help me?
I am starting the study in the C language and I have the code below that receives values in the struct variables and writes in a file . CSV, until there is ok. The problem that is saving the value of the first variable in the first row and column of . CSV and other values in the second row (wrongly) and correct columns.
I looked for some alternatives but I haven’t found them here yet, what I’m trying to do is to have all user input values recorded all in the first row each in a column in the . CSV.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
struct dados {
char nome[46];
char cpf[12];
char telefone[12];
char email[51];
}; struct dados registro[6];
int main() {
char c;
FILE *file = fopen("3346941.csv", "w");
printf("REGISTRO DE DADOS: \n\n");
// fprintf(file, "%s;%s;%s;%s", "Nome", "CPF", "Telefone", "Email");
printf("Digite um nome: ");
fgets(registro[0].nome, 45, stdin);
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF) {}
printf("\nDigite um CPF (somente numeros): ");
fgets(registro[1].cpf, 11, stdin);
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF) {}
printf("\nDigite um telefone (somente numeros): ");
fgets(registro[2].telefone, 11, stdin);
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF) {}
printf("\nDigite um email: ");
fgets(registro[3].email, 50, stdin);
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF) {}
fprintf(file, "%s;%s;%s;%s", registro[0].nome, registro[1].cpf, registro[2].telefone, registro[3].email);
return 0;
You’re saving it that way:
I need it to stay that way but I haven’t been able to adjust yet: