Hello, I need to make a music playlist with Html5 in my researches I found many playlist, but, none of them have pause in the playlist itself. For example, I found this link http://jonhall.info/examples/html5_audio_playlist_example.html, and you can notice that you can play the songs but you can’t pause the music on the playlist itself. How do I put a play and pause button on each track of music and when I click the next one to stop playing?
But what is the question?
– Renan Gomes
@Renan already asked the question
– user4451
I think it will help you: [http://www.codebasehero.com/2011/07/html5-music-player-updated/] or [http://mediaelementjs.com/] or [http://www.shoutmeloud.com/best-html5-audio-players.html]
– Rafael Withoeft