
Viewed 34 times


I wanted to know if there is a site/ forum that ADM can access the data of who register (basically the login and password they used to create, only) and that is easy to handle (I am Noob in programming).

  • All sites are like this.

  • I think he’s asking about a tool to create a forum. And one that allows access to the password registered by users is very bad, besides all this is a security breach.

  • @Piovezan usually all Adm has access to everything, it’s like being a moderator with even more privileges. Except passwords, unless the system is really bad.

  • I wanted some kind of fake site or forum for when the person registered, I had access to your data.

  • @Guilhermenascimento I just want to know how to create a site with the system ''very bad even''

  • @Unboarding the bad part I refer only to password, the rest being visible to ADM does not mean that it is bad. I’m not talking bad code quality, I’m talking bad security issues. But regardless, creating a system with login, password, administrator, posts, password recovery, etc., is very broad and is not a specific problem of programming and nor much less can compare to a cake recipe. The alternatives are, hire a programmer or try using a free forum system. Anyway, that’s not what we do in Stackoverflow...

  • ... Here the questions are about specific programming problems and not about creating entire programs. I will stop the comments because the focus of the question is totally OFF-TOPIC in relation to the site. Thank you all for understanding

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