SQL Server Questions When Adding Shift 3 (SUM)


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How to make a sum (SUM) of shift 3 of a company and organize per day? The problem is that shift 3 ends the next day (it starts at 10 pm and ends at 6 pm the next day), so I am trying to make an exception only to shift 3 that on the current day disregards the values obtained before 6 am and disappear from 22 pm until 6 am the next day. Below is the script I already made and the result obtained In the result obtained today’s Shift 3 (day 14 is already with produced data, but this data should be from shift 3 yesterday)

STR(DAY(E3TimeStamp),2) + '/' + STR(MONTH(E3TimeStamp),1) + '/' + STR(YEAR(E3TimeStamp),4) AS Data,
Maquina AS Maquina,
Parametro AS Código,
ROUND(sum(Metrica),2) AS 'Metrica Total' ,
ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN Turno = 1 THEN Metrica ELSE 0 END),2) As 'Metrica Turno 01',
ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN Turno = 2 THEN Metrica ELSE 0 END),2) As 'Metrica Turno 02',
ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN Turno = 3 THEN Metrica ELSE 0 END),2) As 'Metrica Turno 03'
FROM Tab_Dados_Escolha
YEAR(E3TimeStamp), MONTH(E3TimeStamp),DAY(E3TimeStamp), Maquina, Parametro

Result obtained from the above script: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Result that should occur (Shift 03 was added to the day before, as it has not started today): inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

2 answers


The problem is that shift 3 ends the next day (starts at 22hrs and ends 6:00 the next day)

To solve this problem, consider that the date datetime must be manipulated in a way that "seems" to belong to the end of the previous day. After this manipulation, you can execute your query that will get the expected result. I made an example in Fiddle that is available in this link SQL Fiddle.

MS SQL Server 2017 Schema Setup:

CREATE TABLE tab_dados_escolha (
    Maquina varchar(100) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS DEFAULT NULL NULL,
    Metrica decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL NULL,
    E3TimeStamp datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL,
    Turno int DEFAULT NULL NULL,
    Parametro int NULL

INSERT INTO tab_dados_escolha (Maquina,Metrica,E3TimeStamp,Turno,Parametro) VALUES
     (N'ESC_RET',10,'2021-05-13 05:00:00.0',3,125),
     (N'ESC_RET',7,'2021-05-14 03:00:00.0',3,125),
     (N'ESC_RET',22,'2021-05-13 10:00:00.0',1,125),
     (N'ESC_RET',15,'2021-05-13 16:00:00.0',2,125),
     (N'ESC_RET',2,'2021-05-13 23:00:00.0',3,125),
     (N'ESC_RET',4,'2021-05-14 23:00:00.0',3,125);

Consultation 1:

select * from tab_dados_escolha


Machine Metrica E3timestamp Shift Parameter
ESC_RET 10 2021-05-13T05:00:00Z 3 125
ESC_RET 7 2021-05-14T03:00:00Z 3 125
ESC_RET 22 2021-05-13T10:00:00Z 1 125
ESC_RET 15 2021-05-13T16:00:00Z 2 125
ESC_RET 2 2021-05-13T23:00:00Z 3 125
ESC_RET 4 2021-05-14T23:00:00Z 3 125

The Solution

Query 2:

with tab_dados_escolha_corrigido as
    Select * from tab_dados_escolha
    Select Maquina, Metrica, E3TimeStamp, Turno, Parametro
      from tab_dados_escolha
     where DatePart(hour,E3TimeStamp) < 6
    Select Maquina, Metrica, cast(cast(cast(E3TimeStamp-1 as date) as varchar) + ' 23:59:00' as datetime) as E3TimeStamp, Turno, Parametro
      from tab_dados_escolha
     where DatePart(hour,E3TimeStamp) < 6
  convert(varchar,E3TimeStamp,103) AS Data,
  Maquina AS Maquina,
  Parametro AS Código,
  ROUND(sum(Metrica),2) AS 'Metrica Total' ,
  ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN Turno = 1 THEN Metrica ELSE 0 END),2) As 'Metrica Turno 01',
  ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN Turno = 2 THEN Metrica ELSE 0 END),2) As 'Metrica Turno 02',
  ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN Turno = 3 THEN Metrica ELSE 0 END),2) As 'Metrica Turno 03'
FROM tab_dados_escolha_corrigido
GROUP BY convert(varchar,E3TimeStamp,103), Maquina, Parametro


Date Machine Code Metrica Total Metrica Turno 01 Metrica Turno 02 Metrica Turno 03
12/05/2021 ESC_RET 125 10 0 0 10
13/05/2021 ESC_RET 125 46 22 15 9
14/05/2021 ESC_RET 125 4 0 0 4

The idea

The idea was using set logic as follows: Take all table records with exception except the time of which is less than 6 hours. The result, make a union with all records that were deleted with the except, but manipulated the date to become the day before cast(cast(cast(E3TimeStamp-1 as date) as varchar) + ' 23:59:00' as datetime) as E3TimeStamp, thus forcing the date to point to the day on which the metrical field should be summed.

Command With ... As

The command with tab_dados_escolha_corrigido as () allows creating what is called CTE (common table Expression) or common table expression which is a kind of temporary table defined in the execution scope of a single SELECT statement. In your case, you could create a view calling for tab_dados_escolha_corrigido.


Was used the convert(varchar,E3TimeStamp,103) to make the date result in the format you highlighted in your original query.


Come on, let’s go, the query below should bring what you are needing

select Dataturno,
       Maquina AS Maquina,
       Parametro AS Código,
       ROUND(sum(Metrica),2) AS 'Metrica Total' ,
       ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN Turno = 1 THEN Metrica ELSE 0 END),2) As 'Metrica Turno 01',
       ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN Turno = 2 THEN Metrica ELSE 0 END),2) As 'Metrica Turno 02',
       ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN Turno = 3 THEN Metrica ELSE 0 END),2) As 'Metrica Turno 03'
 from (
 select cast( iif( turno = 3 and datepart(hour, E3TimeStamp) < 6, dateadd( -1, day, E3TimeStamp ), E3TimeStamp ) as date ) as Dataturno,
       Maquina AS Maquina,
       Parametro AS Código,
  from Tab_Dados_Escolha
) x
group by 
    Dataturno, Maquina, Parametro,

I’ll explain what I did. in line 12: if the shift = 3 and the time < 6, I consider the E3timestamp as the previous day. So you’ll count the whole shift, like the day before. I used a cast, to bring only the date, and not need to catch the day, month and year.

I can’t test it, but if there’s a mistake and I can’t fix it, let me know I’m trying to help you.

  • 1

    Okay, sorry... it won’t happen again.

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