How to get specific text from a txt file in C#?


Viewed 66 times


I’m a layman, still taking the first steps in programming and C# and I’m having trouble solving a problem.

I would like to search a specific information in a txt file with the following lines:

Nodal force point

15  25  30

20  35  13

25  85  25

Nodal Moment point

23  58  6

6   4   5   

3   2   1

Nodal displacements point

25  1   5

2   5   4

6   4   5

Well, I need to identify the "Nodal Moment point" and store the second row value (In that case, the 4).

Note: It will not necessarily be 4, since they are randomly generated values. Ah, the file will always follow this pattern (Each title will have 3 rows of data, it will always have a blank row and the columns are separated by 2 spaces)

I am using the following code to locate the part of the file that contains the "Nodal Moment point":

var valor = File.ReadAllLines("NomeDoArquivo.txt")
                .Where(l=>l.StartsWith("Nodal Moment"))

However, I don’t know how to find the second value of the second line and store in the variable.

I thank you in advance for your help.

  • 1

    There is no way to help you without knowing more details about the file format. Will each title have 3 lines of data? After the title will always have a blank line (in the last title has 2)? Columns will always be separated by 2 spaces?

  • You’re right. Each title will have 3 rows of data, it will always have a blank row and the columns are separated by 2 spaces. Always following this pattern.

  • I will correct the posting. Thank you for the comment!

2 answers


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string arquivo = @"C:\temp\teste.txt";

                    string[] listTxt = File.ReadAllLines(arquivo);
                    var strList = listTxt[13];
                    var values = strList.Split("  ");
                    var result = values[1];
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

  • Thank you very much for the answer, it will help a lot!


The algorithm is simple:

  • File.ReadAllLines("file.txt"): Read the text file.
  • SkipWhile(l => l != "Nodal Moment point"): Discard all lines until you find the string "Nodal Moment point".
  • Except(new string[]{""}): Remove all empty lines.
  • Skip(1): Discard the line containing the string "Nodal Moment point".
  • TakeWhile(l => Char.IsNumber(l[0])): Pick up the lines while the first character is numeric and discard all lines including and after finding the first line whose first character is not numeric.
  • Select((l,_) => l.Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)): For the remaining lines to explode them into spaces in string arrays discarding empty strings.
  • ToArray(): Join the result in a row-by-column array.

Remembering that arrays in C# begin at index 0.
So if you want the third element of the first line data[0][2].

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;

class MainClass {
  public static void Main (string[] args) {
    var data = File.ReadAllLines("file.txt")       
       .SkipWhile(l => l != "Nodal Moment point")
       .Except(new string[]{""})
       .TakeWhile(l => Char.IsNumber(l[0]))
       .Select((l,_) => l.Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
    Console.WriteLine(data[1][1]);    //4

Test the example on

Visualization of what each function does:

  • File.ReadAllLines("file.txt")
Nodal force point

15  25  30

20  35  13

25  85  25

Nodal Moment point

23  58  6

6   4   5   

3   2   1

Nodal displacements point

25  1   5

2   5   4

6   4   5
  • SkipWhile(l => l != "Nodal Moment point")
Nodal Moment point

23  58  6

6   4   5   

3   2   1

Nodal displacements point

25  1   5

2   5   4

6   4   5
  • Except(new string[]{""})
Nodal Moment point
23  58  6
6   4   5
3   2   1
Nodal displacements point
25  1   5
2   5   4
6   4   5
  • Skip(1)
23  58  6
6   4   5
3   2   1
Nodal displacements point
25  1   5
2   5   4
6   4   5
  • TakeWhile(l => Char.IsNumber(l[0]))
23  58  6
6   4   5
3   2   1
  • Select((l,_) => l.Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
  • ToArray();
data = [["23","58","6"], ["6","4","5"], ["3","2","1"]]


  • 1

    Fantastic explanation. I really appreciate your help. I’ll take the test and come back for feedback. Thank you!

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