What is the cost of using the Google Maps API to create routes?


Viewed 4,908 times


I’m creating an app where I take the user’s current position and create a route to a certain point. A friend commented that this route service offered by Google is paid for. Someone could or would know more about these figures ?

Thank you.

4 answers


There is a free version of the API.

According to the documentation, the differences of the free and paid version are as follows::

Users of the free API:

  • 2,500 route requests per day.
  • Up to 8 reference points on each request. Reference points are not available for routes with public transport.
  • 2 requests per second.

Google Maps API for business users:

  • 100,000 route requests per day.
  • Up to 23 points of reference for each request. Reference points are not available for public transport routes.
  • 10 requests per second.

As for the question of price, I believe you have to get in touch with them to make a quote.


the free Google Maps API is for public app only with 2500 requests for webservices and 25 pageviews.

For any internal application, Google understands that it is in production, so it must hire the license even if it is within the limits of Free.

I recommend to developers to align with TOS(term os services) because Google Compliance one hour ends up charging, and I’ve seen many applications cut in addition to having to pay for what was used illegally.

recommend to acquire the API the company MAPLINK http://maplinkbusiness.com/

For me, she was the only one who knew how to clear up all the technical issues and not just force an API sale. Besides being the largest partner of Google Maps in Latin America and practice better prices. What other resale is just a half-dozen resale of sellers wanting to get along

  • Carlos your reply was very good!! Thank you


Their default value is $15,000/year.


Google has changed its pricing policy this year, and everyone can enjoy the same table: https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/pricing/? hl=en-BR

The good news is that everyone gets $200 free monthly, which should include many small projects.

  • The question is, why do we need a credit card if many small projects aren’t going to spend? Why not have an option to cut the service after the free quota? It doesn’t seem like they will charge anyway after a while, and it will be a headache to (try) cancel what (we thought) we didn’t agree to pay? Or someone here reads all those fine print?


  • 1

    Only the map has no problem, but if you want to use routes?

  • I think you have a certain number of routes a day

  • By the answer given by @Andréribeiro, that’s really it. But the paid service, reading the documentation makes understand that the cost is negotiated, according to the use of certain quantity and types of services. There is no "tabulated cost".

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