For loop inside another For loop


Viewed 41 times


I’m having a problem iterating a dataset.

The main idea was to separate the main dataset into others, one for each team, from a for loop. Then apply another for loop to traverse the rows of each set and create a column with the goals that the team made. I made the next attempt, which went wrong:


   fut_uk <- read.csv("") %>% 
                  select(Data = Date, HomeTeam, AwayTeam, FTR, FTHG, FTAG, FTR, HTHG, HTAG, HTR, HS, AS, HST, AST, HC, AC) %>% 
                  mutate(Data = as.Date(Data, format = "%d/%m/%y"))

   for (time in unique(fut_uk$HomeTeam)) {
     assign(time, fut_uk %>% 
                    filter(HomeTeam == time | AwayTeam == time) %>% 
                    mutate(Gols = FTHG * NA))
       for (i in seq_along(time[,2])) {
             if (time[i,2] == time) {
               time[i,16] <- time[i, 5]
             } else {
               time[i,16] <- time[i, 6]

Which returns the following error:

Error in time[, 2] : número incorreto de dimensões

Does anyone know how to resolve this? Thank you very much!

  • 1

    The logical test of for is to pass through the variable time in the established vector. In each loop the variable is reestablished, being an item of 1 dimension. So, there is no way to use seq_along or locate a second dimension as time[,2]. This is the error.

  • 1

    To complement @Danielikenaga’s comment, the for evaluates the iterator variable only once at the beginning of each iteration, you cannot change the value within the cycle. And it’s even quite confusing to choose the same name for the result of the pipe on assign. Choose another name and the cycle should run.

  • Moreover, FTHG * NA always gives NA. Why multiply? Gols = NA_real_ is easier and gives the same result.

  • I don’t understand what you mean by "create a column with the goals the team made". That column already exists at the base, is the column FTHG. And to separate by team just do time_list <- split(fut_uk, fut_uk$HomeTeam).

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