How to send multiple attachments concatenated into the same variable in vbscript


Viewed 10 times


'Declaring internal variables read files

Dim files

Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")

'Setting source folder

objStartFolder = "C: ORIGIN TEST"

Set objFolder = objFSO.Getfolder(objStartFolder)

'Setting the Destination folder

pastureDestino = "C: DESTINATION TEST"

'Listing all the files in the folder and contacting in a single name for sending by email

Set colFiles = objFolder.Files

For Each objFile in colFiles

If arquivos = "" Then

arquivos = objStartFolder & objFile.Name


arquivos = arquivos & " | " & objStartFolder & objFile.Name 

End If

arquivo = objStartFolder & objFile.Name

objFSO.CopyFile arquivo, pastaDestino


'Sending by email vbScript

' Declaring the internal variables of sending by email vbScript

Set emailObj = Createobject("CDO.Message")

emailObj.From = "[email protected]"

emailObj.To = "[email protected]"

emailObj.Subject = "Testing"

emailObj.Textbody = "Test "&Date()&" "&Time()

emailObj.Addattachment files

Set emailConfig = emailObj.Configuration

emailConfig.Fields("") = ""

emailConfig.Fields("") = 465

emailConfig.Fields("") = 2

emailConfig.Fields("") = 1

emailConfig.Fields("") = true

emailConfig.Fields("") = "[email protected]"

emailConfig.Fields("") = "password"



If err.number = 0 then Msgbox "Done"

'Performing file history and deleting from current folder.

Const Deletereadonly = TRUE

For Each objFile in colFiles

file = objStartFolder & objFile.Name

objFSO.Deletefile(file), Deletereadonly


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