Place div with image on another div


Viewed 880 times


I’m trying to apply a solution in a div in my project, but I’m not succeeding, I did a test in Jsfiddle worked, as can be seen here, by my limitation in css I’m having difficulty implementing.

.imagem-mascara {
   width:100px; /* largura da imagem máscara */
   height:68px; /* altura da imagem máscara */
   background:url( 0 0 no-repeat; /* imagem máscara */
<div class="produtos-wrapper">
   <img src="" width="191" height="117" border="0" />
   <div class="imagem-mascara"></div>


And I need to apply on my website in this case here:

Page for display

See that the image is in the top corner of the site.

  • Try using selectors like :before or :after in your css, it might help, search and test :) Tip:

1 answer


You forgot to put position: relative; in class .produtos-wrapper of your website.


This makes the Divs with position: absolute; inside .produtos-wrapper stand with the position relative to this.

It’s working exactly as your example in Jsfiddle.

  • Very good... I was already thinking of readaptar to use with selectors :before... kkk, maybe it’s my way of working even if it influences the decision or my little knowledge of css too.

  • Hello @André Ribeiro, just one more question, the image not being repeated as it should, did I committed some fault?

  • @adventistapr as so repeated?

  • Hello @André Ribeiro, is that these images are inside a loop and is not repeating, when resizing the browser it appears repeated.

  • @adventistapr Add position:relative also to his class .produtos-conteudo. Seems to solve the problem.

  • Grande, super, hiper ajuda, valeu mesmo @André Ribeiro

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