Pass body in GET request


Viewed 223 times


Good morning friends. How can I spend one body in the request GET?

I have an API that does a CPF search in a PDF and returns the page it is on. In the terminal, the command is as follows:

http GET data="123.456.789-10"

I would like to consume this API with Dart/Flutter, but I cannot pass the body in the request. I tried with the following code:

   class PdfSearch{
      Future catchPage(String numero) async {
      Uri uri = Uri.parse("");
      http.Request request = http.Request("GET", uri);
      request.body = '{"data": $numero}';
      final response = request.send().asStream().first;



1 answer


Endpoints GET originally should not contain body in the request, which is precisely why the method http.get() has not a parameter body. For he is simply ignored.

Future<Response> get(Uri url,{Map<String, String>? headers})

If it is necessary, this may indicate a bad design in the creation of the API. In your case, the use of queryParams:

Tools that cache Apis, for example, use the url for this. Thus, it is possible to pass the data in the url using its own code.

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