Problem consuming JSON with hyphen (-)


Viewed 25 times


I’m studying React and Next with Typescript and I tried to consume pokeAPI, when codar I came across an error while picking up the image, in JSON it appears as


this hyphen does not allow me to call this image, while the other


that has the name with _ I can make the call without problems

import Head from 'next/head';
import Link from 'next/link';
import Image from 'next/image';
import styles from '../styles/home.module.scss';
import { apiBase } from '../lib/pokemon';

type poke = {
  id: string,
  name: string,
  types: string,
  info: string

type HomeProps = {
  poke: poke[]

export default function Home({poke}: HomeProps) {
  return (
        <title>PokéFan Company</title>
      <header className={styles.primaryHeader}>
        <h1>PokéFan Company</h1>
      <main className={styles.pokedex}>
        <ul className={styles.listPokemon}>
          {, index) => (
            <li key={index} className={styles.pokemon}>
              <Link href={`/pokemon/${index + 1}`}>
                  <Image width={120} height={120} src={poke.sprites.other.official-artwork.front_default} alt={} objectFit="scale-down" />
                  <div className={styles.headerPokemon}>

export async function getStaticProps(context) { 
      const getPokemonUrl = id => `${id}`;

      const pokemonPromisses = []

      for (let i = 1; i <= 50; i++) {
        pokemonPromisses.push(fetch(getPokemonUrl(i)).then(response => response.json()))

      const poke = Promise.all(pokemonPromisses)
      .then(poke => {
        return poke

      return {
        props: {
          poke: await poke,

here is my code the problem is in the hyphen I wanted to know how I can call the Official-artwork, below I will provide a part of the json file

"sprites": {
    "back_default": "",
    "back_female": null,
    "back_shiny": "",
    "back_shiny_female": null,
    "front_default": "",
    "front_female": null,
    "front_shiny": "",
    "front_shiny_female": null,
    "other": {
      "dream_world": {
        "front_default": "",
        "front_female": null
      "official-artwork": {
        "front_default": ""
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