Javascript and components fail to respond


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I’m having some problems with session times (I assume that’s the problem) in my application.

My client says that sometimes the application does not work, namely Javascript’s and components that are part of the application (Devexpress). When analyzing this problem I deduced that the user is long "stopped" on the same page (pauses or something like that), and then when he returns, some actions that are done by Javascript or other components do not work, having to change page or do refresh to return to work... Hence deduce that it is problems of Session Timeout.

I don’t know if I’m right or not, but what I tried to do was:

In my Web.config place:

    <sessionState timeout="1"></sessionState>

And on the IIS I went to Manage Web Site > Advanced Settings and increased the Connection Time Limit

I put in short session times to be able to verify if this situation was happening, but so far nothing...

  • Friend you knew that if the application is stopped for 20 minutes or more that the IIS kills your system. This could be what is occurring.

  • My question is whether we can increase that time @Marconi

  • See if this can help you.

  • From what I’ve seen is what I’m doing

  • helped in something?

  • Honestly no. Tell me to change the timeout on IIS and the time on the web.config, things I’m already trying to do :/

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