Is it possible to link tables with keys stored in JSON column?


Viewed 101 times


I have two tables:

CREATE TABLE jtable (id integer, jdata JSON);
INSERT INTO jtable(id, jdata) VALUES(1, '["1","2","3"]');
INSERT INTO jtable(id, jdata) VALUES(2, '["1","3"]');
INSERT INTO jtable(id, jdata) VALUES(3, '["2","3"]');
id jdata
1 ["1","2","3"]
2 ["1","3"]
3 ["2","3"]
CREATE TABLE informacoes(id integer, value varchar(10));
INSERT INTO informacoes(id, value) VALUES(1,"valor1");
INSERT INTO informacoes(id, value) VALUES(2,"valor2");
INSERT INTO informacoes(id, value) VALUES(3,"valor3");
id value
1 valor1
2 value2
3 Valor3

On the table jtable have a column jdata guy JSON in the Mysql.
That column jtable.jdata will always contain contains an array of integers.

I ask you:

It is possible to relate these integers in the column jtable.jdata to the ids table information(, in order to obtain this structure?

jtable id value information
1 valor1
1 value2
1 Valor3
2 valor1
2 Valor3
3 value2
3 Valor3

I tried doing the INNER JOIN with the result of JSON_SEARCH but I was unsuccessful:

FROM jtable
INNER JOIN informacoes
  • @Augustovasques, although it does not seem, but the tables I am using are exactly as I put there, I did them to try to reach the understanding of the query, but I confess that I am very difficult.

  • I’m just trying to bring the table values information that is in json table json, but I’m not getting it.

  • Perfect @Augustovasques

1 answer


Yes, in the Mysql it is possible to relate data of a json document1 and yes the desired data structure is tangible.

Mysql environment gives your user a function set facilitating the operation with data typified as JSON. Among these functions is:

JSON_TABLE(expr, path COLUMNS (column_list) [AS] alias)

That extracts data from a document JSON and returns them as a relational table with the specified columns.

  • expr: This is an expression containing the data JSON. Can be a string, a column or the result of a function.

  • path: A path expression to identify a specific element in a JSON document. To see in detail the syntax used read JSON path syntax.

  • COLUMNS: evaluates the row origin, finds specific JSON values at the row origin and returns those JSON values as SQL values in individual columns of a relational data row.

  • alias is a "nickname" governed by the usual rules for surnames defined in the Names of scheme objects.

Now knowing a little more about tables and data type JSON the problem became a consultation SELECT solved trivial with the use of JOIN between a Table and a JSON table.

Using the data defined in the question:

SELECT AS 'jtable ID', inf.value AS 'Valor' 
FROM jtable AS jt, 
        jt.jdata,                                     --Origem do documento JSON.
        '$[*]' COLUMNS( c1 INT PATH '$')              --Declara coluna c1 cujos os elemento são os elemento do array.
     ) AS jsonT
INNER JOIN informacoes as inf                         --Faz a ligação entre os elementos das tabelas jtable e informacoes... 
ON = jsonT.c1                                  --relacionando a cada elemento obtido na tabela JSON.
jtable ID Valor
1 valor1
1 value2
1 Valor3
2 valor1
2 Valor3
3 value2
3 Valor3

Test the example on Paiza.

[1] json document is a term used in the Mysql manual to refer to a data whose type is JSON. This data can come from hard coded string, from a column in a query or as a result of a function.

  • 1

    FANTASTIC! I do not know how to express my gratitude for you have dedicated to understand and still explain clearly in your answer. Use Json is, in my view, very advantageous and useful in a few moments, I will use it a lot.

  • 1

    I’m flattered by your gratitude. I leave my record that it is not just me but all active users of the site as well as the moderators read and reread each question we evaluate and try to give the most to give the continuation and many people do not understand that the closure of a question not the end of the question but the beginning of a search for its improvement, It’s a shame we have so few active members in the community today. But thank you for your patience and persistence.

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