How to exchange a word between a limit created by two specific points within a string?


Viewed 45 times


Between the word fogo and the word gelo there is a content, and the goal is to change that content by sobrenatural


s = "1 fogo bom dia gelo 2 fogo boa tarde gelo 3 fogo boa noite gelo 4"

s = s.replace('\n\n','\t')
start = 'fogo'
end = 'gelo'

for i in range(len(s)): #1 fogo sobrenatural gelo 2 fogo sobrenatural gelo 3 fogo sobrenatural gelo 4
  if s[i:i+len(start)] == start:
    for j in range(i+len(start), len(s)):
      if s[j:j+len(end)] == end:
        g = s[i + len(start):j]
        v=s.replace(g,' sobrenatural ')

The print as it goes:

1 fogo sobrenatural gelo 2 fogo boa tarde gelo 3 fogo boa noite gelo 4
1 fogo bom dia gelo 2 fogo sobrenatural gelo 3 fogo boa noite gelo 4
1 fogo bom dia gelo 2 fogo boa tarde gelo 3 fogo sobrenatural gelo 4

The correct print would be:

1 fogo sobrenatural gelo 2 fogo sobrenatural gelo 3 fogo sobrenatural gelo 4

1 answer


As we remember comments by the user hkotsubo the standard has been added \b which corresponds to an empty string attached to the beginning and end of the pattern determining a formal limit of the word to be matched thus avoiding the capture of "Botafogo .... Gelol", "fires ... froze",...

Instead of rummaging through a string, in a set of loops, character by character searching for bounding strings and then substituting into an error-prone activity. Replace a character set delimited by two specific words using regular expressions, which in Python are used through module re.

In your specific case, a string delimited by words fogo and gelo, can be done with matching pattern (?<=\bfogo\b).+?(?=\bgelo\b), where:

  • (?<=\bfogo\b): matching pattern lookbehind. Matches only if the string is preceded by the string fogo.
  • .+? : corresponds to one or more characters in any greedy way, or will make the least possible correspondence.
  • (?=\bgelo\b): matching pattern Lookahead. Matches only if the string is followed by the string gelo.

To make the substitution can be used the method re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0). In this case the example used the flag re.IGNORECASE that does the matching by not differentiating between upper and lower case:

import re

s = "1 fogo bom dia gelo 2 fogo boa tarde gelo 3 fogo boa noite gelo 4"

p = r'(?<=\bfogo\b).+?(?=\bgelo\b)'                       #Determina o padrão de captura.

r = re.sub(p, " sobrenatural ", s, flags=re.IGNORECASE)  #Faz capturas e substituições.

# 1 fogo sobrenatural gelo 2 fogo sobrenatural gelo 3 fogo sobrenatural gelo 4

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  • 1

    I would just add the \b to avoid cases like "Botafogo etc gelol", "fires etc froze", etc - it was not clear if it is to treat these cases, but anyway...

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