code::Locks not copying Ubuntu 20.04.2?


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I use Ubuntu 20.04.2 and have always used Visual Studio Code to program. However, in the c language, I need to use the <Allegro library. h>, and then I need to use the code::Blocks. However, I can’t compile any files in the code::Blocks.

I checked, and I have gcc and g++ on the computer, tried to install by command

sudo apt-get install codeblocks g++

and also tried to check if the folder that the program picks up the compiler is correct, by the button Settings > Compiler > toolchain executables (really had to tidy up this step, put in the bin folder that has the codeblocks, gcc and g files++)

Foto 1

However, I cannot compile yet. The terminal window opens, but nothing happens, and the tb program does not create the executable file.

Figura 2

Can anyone help me? I don’t know what else to do.

  • Did not generate an executable on your desktop?

  • No. Just stay on it. Same file, if you do it right in the terminal with gcc teste1.c -o teste1 works.

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