Check php unchecked checkbox


Viewed 13 times


I have several dynamic checkbox that are listed as follows:

<?php foreach($configs as $config): ?>

<?php echo utf8_encode($config['description'])?><input style="margin-left:10px;" type="checkbox" name="in_active[<?php echo $config['config']?>]" <?php if($config['in_active'] == true){echo 'checked';}?>/> <?php if(isset($config['value'])){echo "<input type='number' class='form-control' name='value[".$config['config']."]' step='0.01' min='0' value='".$config['value']."'>";}?> <br>

<?php endforeach?> 

This data is sent to a controller, where I have an array called "in_active", which receives the checkbox.

$data = array();

            $data['in_active'] = $_POST['in_active'];
            $data['value'] = $_POST['value'];

            $updateConfig = new Configuration();


This data is sent to a model, where I do a foreach to update the db.

            $in_active = $data['in_active'];
            foreach($in_active as $config => $val):
                        $val = true;
                        $val = false;
                    $sql = $this->db->prepare("update configurations
                        in_active       = :in_active
                    where config = :config


But that way I can only update, when they are unchecked, when I uncheck no, I know that you realize that checkboxes only send something when they are checked. So, how do I get around this? How do I update db when unchecking chexbox?

1 answer


I had the following idea, since I can update who is marked, I will change everything to 0 in db, then update the ones that were marked

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