Good afternoon, I am checking if there is a node in Firebase, if it exists I will just increment the value on that node, but when it does not exist I will create the node, but Else is not working. If this is the first time the user will register a monthly expense, the node month/year will not exist yet, then I need to create it, and the next times the node will already be created, then I only increase with the value that is already registered.
public void atualizarDespesaMensal(Double despesaMes, Double valorDigitado,String mesAno){
//Recuperamos o email do usuario logado
String emailUsuario = autenticacao.getCurrentUser().getEmail();
//codificamos usando a classe Base64Custom
String idUsuario = Base64Custom.codificarBase64(emailUsuario);
movimentacaoSaldoMensalRef = firebaseRef.child("saldoMensal")
valueEventListenerAtualizarDespesaMensal = movimentacaoSaldoMensalRef.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot) {
if (snapshot.child(mesAno).exists()) {
Log.i("IF", "O nó existe, vamos incrementa o valor"); //IF FUNCIONA
Log.i("ELSE", "Se o nó não existir irei criar"); //NO ELSE NÃO FUNCIONA
public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError error) {