Problems with predictions using Predict.Gam() and geom_smooth(method="Gam")


Viewed 29 times


Hello, I’m having trouble reproducing the predicted values, using ggplot()+geom_smooth(method="gam"), when I run the command for the graph, it plots a line of prediction, y~s(x,bs="cs") that I can’t reproduce (red line on graph), outside the geom_smooth(), even using the same model within mgcv::gam().

Obs: (If anyone knows, how I can extract, the coefficients of the geom_smooth(), also helps!)




df1<-structure(list(DPV = c(0.169588512068197, 6.60924993787097, 4.37116533225157, 
4.37129352740955, 4.57339006292512, 3.93536341833839, 3.76271410392057, 
3.26551988605637, 2.4787752577947, 2.28091267538682, 1.73048300284362, 
1.19127874414706, 0.968141363824768, 0.764284138998533, 0.616728558189974, 
0.171375694966221, 0.179804007833412, 0.363981171574738, 0.370268251348895, 
0.371401138906212, 0.363023669607576, 0.331513639442854, 0.288665648284206, 
0.290418935686061, 0.26249403802394, 0.169313505243621, 0.176994570211015, 
1.2146312010229), sensor = c(-0.000159222666482162, 0.0445601456650822, 
0.0588390881373274, 0.040017863662116, 0.0418070272408576, 0.0453330551651008, 
0.0391963630515521, 0.0388152374396356, 0.0415685621502633, 0.0271445811178297, 
0.0216203118363865, 0.0126880366976767, 0.023905571882946, 0.0136972820275635, 
0.0126598143467643, 6.11060437898381e-05, 0.00132364926440975, 
0.0019403961429687, -0.00140294059163659, 0.0071700692264608, 
0.0026218420268862, -0.00299733368456168, -0.00404093945108464, 
0.007232270758184, -0.00692198800281052, 0.00268303823216987, 
-0.000430772976242833, -0.00350247523338876), est = structure(c(2L, 
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("\"Est:1 - 50%\"", 
"\"Est:2 - 50%\"", "\"Est:4 - 80%\"", "\"Est:5 - 80%\""), class = c("ordered", 
"factor")), V4 = structure(c(2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"), class = c("ordered", 
"factor")), V1 = structure(c(18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 
18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 
18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 
18609, 18609, 18609, 18609, 18609), class = "Date"), fit = structure(c(-2.89993153907674e-05, 
0.0445352556312924, 0.0458550388335889, 0.0458553487655575, 0.0462640503224621, 
0.0444187105431725, 0.0436382564372395, 0.0407214700549528, 0.0334918541240277, 
0.0308666909704694, 0.0210953384333099, 0.0109469279230599, 0.0106415890107558, 
0.0130006493691816, 0.0132696416861763, -6.91423280688966e-05, 
-0.000255950908192044, 0.00282104490971744, 0.00331947443697299, 
0.00340943155227354, 0.00274667240522935, 0.000717561959731334, 
-0.000831055182848491, -0.000793002471147874, -0.00117014079921287, 
-2.28191732036982e-05, -0.000194393591947948, 0.0111801359106033
), .Dim = 28L)), row.names = c(494L, 499L, 502L, 507L, 509L, 
514L, 519L, 520L, 525L, 531L, 535L, 537L, 541L, 547L, 549L, 553L, 
557L, 561L, 564L, 569L, 575L, 576L, 581L, 587L, 591L, 594L, 597L, 
602L), class = "data.frame")

Predicted values:

df1$fit=predict.gam(gam(sensor~s(DPV,bs="cs"),data=df1),newdata = df1,interval="confidence")



example of the chart: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    With s(DPV, bs = "cs", k = 20) looks better.

  • a curiosity, you know how would be the expression of this model, I do not understand much, and would need to put the "equation" in the graph.

1 answer


See, the answer to your question is in the documentation of geom_smooth():

For method = NULL the Smoothing method is Chosen based on the size of the largest group (Across all panels). Stats::loess() is used for Less than 1,000 Observations; otherwise mgcv::Gam() is used with formula = y ~ s(x, Bs = "Cs") with method = "REML". Somewhat anecdotally, loess gives a Better Appearance, but is O(N2) in memory, so does not work for Arger datasets.

So what’s missing for you to reproduce the curve is to use the "REML" method in the gam():

df1$fit = predict.gam(gam(sensor~s(DPV,bs="cs"),method = "REML",data=df1),newdata = df1)

What created this figure here:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

There is a slight distortion only at the end, but I think it must be some detail of ggplot2. Anyway it is a region that has only one point.

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