Not falling in the if according to the number being higher or lower


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The program I want to create should return an array with the number of records reached from a list of scores and the number of the position of the lowest score, respectively. However, it returns something different.

let stringPontuacoes = "10, 20, 4, 8, 9, 22, 12, 43, 22"

function avaliaPontuacoes (stringPontuacoes) {
    let pontuacoes = stringPontuacoes.split(", ")
    let qtdQuebraDeRecords = 0
    let piorJogo = 1
    let maiorPontuacao = pontuacoes[0]
    let menorPontuacao = pontuacoes[0]

    for (let i = 1; i < pontuacoes.length; i++) {
        if(pontuacoes[i] > maiorPontuacao) {
            maiorPontuacao = pontuacoes[i]
        }else if (pontuacoes[i] < menorPontuacao) {
            menorPontuacao = pontuacoes[i]
            piorJogo = i+1;
    return [qtdQuebraDeRecords, piorJogo]


The code returns "[ 4, 1 ]", instead of "[ 3, 3 ]". I would really like your help in figuring out how to solve this problem.

1 answer


You’re saving text instead of number, then you do math operations and comparisons with that information which goes wrong, so you have to convert to number before you do this. A lot of things could go wrong, but it seems you have control over the format so I won’t make further checks.

function avaliaPontuacoes (stringPontuacoes) {
    let pontuacoes = stringPontuacoes.split(", ");
    let qtdQuebraDeRecords = 0;
    let piorJogo = 1;
    let maiorPontuacao = pontuacoes[0];
    let menorPontuacao = pontuacoes[0];
    for (let i = 1; i < pontuacoes.length; i++) {
        let pontuacao = parseInt(pontuacoes[i]);
        if (pontuacao > maiorPontuacao) {
            maiorPontuacao = pontuacao;
        } else if (pontuacao < menorPontuacao) {
            menorPontuacao = pontuacao;
            piorJogo = i + 1;
    return [qtdQuebraDeRecords, piorJogo];

console.log(avaliaPontuacoes("10, 20, 4, 8, 9, 22, 12, 43, 22"));

I put in the Github for future reference.

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