DOMPDF: Frame not found in cellmap. What causes this error?


Viewed 1,198 times


This problem has been haunting me for a long time and I still haven’t found a solution for it.

I have developed a system, where in a given location, the user can print a report, which is generated by the class DOMPDF, in the Laravel 4.

It seems that when the data would theoretically exceed the PDF size (a <td> very large for example, or whatever it is), is launched an exception.

Details of the exception:

Class : Cellmap

Filing cabinet : vendor/dompdf/dompdf/include/cellmap.cls.php

Row : 224

Excerpt from the code where the exception is thrown:

function get_spanned_cells(Frame $frame) {
    $key = $frame->get_id();

    if ( !isset($this->_frames[$key]) ) {
      throw new DOMPDF_Exception("Frame not found in cellmap");

In the view which is carried by DOMPDF, are the data you want to display in the PDF, listed in an HTML table.

NOTE: The exception data is not the file I am working on, but the source code of the DOMPDF library.

  • 1

    It seems to be an old fault since 2009. Have you tried following these footsteps?

2 answers


I’ve faced this problem, I haven’t used the DOMPDF but in my case the problem was an incompatibility with the border-collapse table. It seems in this ticket that the problem still persists since 2013.

I have also had problems with elements with very large content as you described, what I did to get around in these cases was to force a page break.

To force a break you must use one of the values recognized by DOMPDF, I tried to find some documentation but unfortunately not yet developed a complete reference of all existing markers. I know the following: page-break-inside, page-break-auto, page-break-after but I believe there are more types. An example of how to use it would be that way:

  <tr style="page-break-after:always;"></tr>
  <!-- ... -->

I hope I’ve helped.

  • Friend, how did you "force the page break"? I removed the border-collapse and it worked for a while. Now, however, it no longer works!

  • @Wallacemaxters updated the answer.

  • The page-break-after didn’t work in the <td>, but it worked on the elements that were about footers and messages in the PDF that I was generating. Thank you so much for the tip. I broke my head, but it was only insisting on the little that worked. I just hope that the problem does not persist!

  • @Cool wallacemaxters, good luck on your projects. hug


In my case it was that one of the tables that was on my page was without tr encapsulating the tds. After fixing this worked correctly :)


    <table class="boxes">
        <th>Cursos utilizados como base</th>


<table class="boxes">
    <th>Cursos utilizados como base</th>

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