Configuring SVN in Amazon EC2 - User authentication is not requested


Viewed 223 times


I’m having trouble setting up SVN on an Amazon EC2 server managed by Bitnami. I actually created this machine to use Redmine, but I’ll also need the SVN.

I followed the instructions on the wiki Bitnami but I couldn’t finish the setup process. When accessing my repository by browser or even by Tortoisesvn is not required user and password to perform the access.

It is more complicated because this server uses the Ubuntu Linux 14.04.1 64-bit LTS, I have no experience with Linux and SVN. What I have done so far:

  • I created the repository:

    svnadmin create /home/bitnami/repositorio
  • I edited the file /home/Bitnami/repositorio/svnserve.conf:

    anon-access = read  
    auth-access = write  
    password-db = passwd
  • Add my user to the file passwd:

    meususario = minhasenha  
  • I restarted the service.

  • I imported the project to the repository:

    svn import /home/bitnami/projeto/ http://meudominio.bitnamiapp/repositorio/
  • I added this snippet to the apache configuration file:

    LoadModule dav_module modules/  
    LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/  
    LoadModule dav_svn_modulee modules/                                              
    LoadModule authz_svn_module   modules/  
    < Location /repositorio >  
    DAV svn  
    SVNPath "/home/bitnami/repositorio/"  
    AuthType Basic  
    AuthName "Subversion repository"  
    AuthUserFile /opt/bitnami/repository/users  
    require valid-user  
    < /Location >
  • I created the users in apache:

    /opt/bitnami/apache2/bin/htpasswd -c  /home/bitnami/repositorio/users newuser
  • I enabled commits via HTTP:

    sudo chown -R daemon:subversion /home/bitnami/repositorio

Although I can access the repository no authentication is required to access my repository. Did I skip any configuration step? I am following the guidelines on this page:

Another question, in Linux it is normal for SVN to create a repository without the structure /trunk /branches and /tags? In Windows when I installed it was created automatically, so I don’t know if this is normal or another indication that my installation is incorrect.

1 answer


I know practically nothing of this configuration, but watching the line:

Anon-access = read

From your configuration, I have the impression that you have activated the read mode for anonymous access, that is, no password required.

Try to remove this setting or leave it blank.

  • 1

    Poxa @utluiz was just that. Once changed this in the svnserve.conf file and restarted Subversion and apache he asked for the authentication data. Thank you very much!

  • @Arthurdeandrade Cool! Good that solved! As for the directory structure, I don’t think I can help much, but maybe it’s also a matter of configuration.

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