How to pass a specific object as props in a generation of components?


Viewed 56 times


Hello, I’m initiating the studies in React and when trying to create a code that generates components (in this case the "Box")where at the click of a button passing objects coming from a state to a props, party of a form, always gives Undefined value error:


The error occurs when trying to compile the following code:

 const [name, setName] = useState('')
 const [email, setEmail] = useState('')
 const [salario, setSalario] = useState('')

 const [ box,setBox] = useState([{nome:"name", mail:"email", sal:"salario"}])
 function handleGenerate(){

   setBox([, {name, email, salario} ])
   const handleChangeName= (event)=>{setName(}
   const handleChangeEmail= (event)=>{setEmail(}
   const handleChangeSalario= (event)=>{setSalario(}


     <input type="text" placeholder="Nome" value ={name} onChange={text => handleChangeName(text)}/><br/>
     <input type="text" placeholder="email" value ={email} onChange={text => handleChangeEmail(text)} /><br/>
     <input type="text" placeholder="salario" value ={salario} onChange={text => handleChangeSalario(text)} /><br/>

     <button onClick={handleGenerate}>Gerar box</button>

     {, index)=>{
         return <Box key={index} index={index} name = {box[index].nome} email ={box[index].mail} salario ={box[index].sal}/>

function Box(props){
 <div id="box">
   <h3>nome = {}</h3>
   <h3>email = {}</h3>
   <h3>salario = {props.salario}</h3>
   <h3>index = {props.index} </h3>

It is important to note that each Box has to come according to the items that were placed in the inputs at the instant I click the button.

Thanks in advance and sorry for any mistake :)

  • 1

    Remove all the [index] of this passage: return <Box key={index} index={index} name = {box[index].nome} email ={box[index].mail} salario ={box[index].sal}/>

  • But when I take the index no value is passed to the Box (only Undefined)

  • That’s how you left it? return <Box key={index} index={index} name = {box.nome} email ={box.mail} salario ={box.sal}/>?

  • yes. I had even tested it like this before, but it happens like I said

2 answers


I believe you’re using function map incorrectly. The first parameter already returns the value of the item within the array.

{, index)=>{
   return <Box key={index} index={index} 
          name = {itemDeBox.nome} 
          email ={itemDeBox.mail} 
          salario ={itemDeBox.sal}/>

That’s why the name error does not exist inside an undefined value.

  • So when I use it this way it passes a Undefined to the code and keeps the same problem. I realized that he was trying to get information after "the last one" which caused the error, what I did was try to delay in 1 array this . map and then it worked (however I do not know if it would be classified as gambiarra, I would like you to look at the answer I made and answer if it is a viable option, or something complexely bad). Thank you for the reply!

  • And gabiarra yes. At some point Oce is putting wrong values inside the box array. Map() will iterate through all the items you’ve placed inside, including invalid values. I believe it might be this line setBox([, {name, email, salario} ]). Should be setBox([, {nome:name, mail:email, sal:salario} ]). You also don’t need to define values like this box[index].nome inside the map function, should be item.nome.

  • That was the mistake. If yes, select this as an answer.


While trying to solve the problem I realized that the map was trying to catch an object that did not yet exist, for this, I tried to make it catch before, using var === ? : (ternary operator) so he wouldn’t pick up index 0 (which was supposedly giving conflict).

Note that I also created a variable (This Liberation -> that is released when I click on the control button) so that there would not appear a first string of values with nothing on the screen (how to hide it)

So I resolved as follows:

        liberation === true?, index)=>{
             return (index === 0?
                      <Box key={index} 
                           name = {box[index].name} 
                           email ={box[index].email} 
                           salario ={box[index].salario}
        }): undefined          

when I click the button (for the first time) Liberation releases so that it can appear on the screen the BOX component:

const [liberation, setLiberation] = useState(false) //liberação para aparecer na tela os itens

function handleGenerate(){

 setBox([, {name, email, salario} ])

For me it worked, I don’t know if this could be considered a gambit. As I’m starting out, there are probably other more normal ways to do this kk, without using two ternary operators to divert a single problem.

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