include the css on other pages


Viewed 26 times


I’m trying to put the CSS within a subfolder with the include, but I can’t. I’ve used ../, .../, all kinds possible, but I can’t.

the structure of my project is like this:

  • css[folder]/css.css
  • pages[folder]/adverticios_user[folder]/anuncios.php
  • includes[folder]/menu.php

I can only call the CSS for include up to the files that are in the "Pages" folder, but when I call the include from the menu, where you have all the links of CSS and so, he doesn’t come.

  • 1

    What code are you using? The include is from PHP or of CSS?

  • is php include, in this include has the html tag up to body

1 answer


Did you make a mistake? when you inspect the page the css links are there? you said, "is the php include, in this include has the html tag until the body" You are dividing right the includes for the page content to stay in body?

Another thing, to go up two folders you have to repeat .. /.. and so on and so forth..

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