Search a word or number inside the Archive


Viewed 56 times


I’m trying to make a system that searches inside the files txt of a folder through the name entered in texbox, and after locating files containing the information the system should move all to another folder.

private void TxtMover_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    String palavra = txtOrigem.Text;    
    string[] lista_ficheiros = Directory.GetFiles(@"c:\", "*.txt");

    foreach (string item in lista_ficheiros)
        StreamReader re = File.OpenText(item);    
        string input = re.ReadToEnd();

        if (input.IndexOf(palavra) > 1)
            File.Move(item, @"C:\teste\" + Path.GetFileName(item));
  • 1

    Exactly what is the problem?

  • I can’t get him to search the phrase inside the files and move all the files that have this word.

  • 2

    probably won’t be able to move an open file

  • Save in a list the names of the files where you found the text and perform the operation of Move after the end of the readings. Do not forget the clause using or do the Dispose of your Readers

  • @Leandroangelo helps me Lz, to much lost :(, I started practicing a little while ago, what should I add in this code that I made to work?

  • But what exactly is your doubt? Ricardo has already shown what the mistake is and I have presented some solutions... I even think only the using can already solve your problem

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1 answer


As mentioned in the comments, you cannot move the file because it is still being used by some process. That in the case is your own program, which opened it to do the search and did not de-link it. So it is important to define the scope of the operation with the using that will make the Dispose() of the resource at the end.

Another flaw in your logic is if (input.IndexOf(palavra) > 1), if the file starts with the word you are searching for your index will 0 and it will not be detected. Also, you are exposed to failure in the detection by box variation and this can be solved with the method ToLowerInvariant()

You also do not need to assign values to variables that you will only use once. Mainly the contents of the file because you don’t need to scroll through it or manipulate it later. If you do not need to know the position of the word, it is not necessary to fetch its index, just know if it is present.

See the example below:

var textoBusca = "bola";
var origem = @"c:\Temp\arquivos\";
var destino = @"C:\Temp\arquivos\validos\";

foreach (var arquivo in Directory.GetFiles(origem, "*.txt"))
    bool contemTexto = false;

    using (StreamReader re = File.OpenText(arquivo))
        contemTexto = re.ReadToEnd().ToLowerInvariant()

    if (contemTexto)
        File.Move(arquivo, destino + Path.GetFileName(arquivo));
  • @Thiago was clear?

  • Sorry for the delay to answer, but you helped me to K*$#@ ...many thanks friend!

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