What is the relevance of category theory to computer science?


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I’m studying a little about functional programming and not infrequently I end up coming across people who talk about Category Theory, which makes me think it might be something with some importance for functional programming.

How far noted, seems to be something from the field of mathematics that eventually intersects computer science. In fact, mathematics is very common in our area, so it doesn’t strike me as odd.

I would like to have an idea in which types of situation the Category Theory may be relevant to computing. It really is relevant for the functional programming?

  • A tag is really needed teoria-das-categorias?

  • 1

    Why wouldn’t it be, @Costamilam?

  • Ixi! It seems to me a question, although beautiful, out of scope.

  • 3

    @Sam, "computer science in general" is part of the site’s scope (see here).

  • 1

    I don’t have enough study to offer a complete answer, but I believe that since functional programming originated due to the needs of mathematicians to solve problems, logically it goes well with mathematics

  • 2

    @Luizfelipe. Czech https://youtu.be/SmXB2K_5lcA?t=324 and https://youtu.be/I8LbkfSSR58. This may be useful.

  • 2

    He has a UFRGS book just about that, and it seems that he is one of the few on the subject: https://www.traca.com.br/livro/885610/teoria-das-categorias-para-ciencia-computacao-vol12/

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