Batch counter


Viewed 140 times


I am trying to get the lines of a tmp.txt file

set n=0
echo %n%
for /F "tokens=*" %%l in (tmp) do (
    set d[%n%]=%%l
    set /A n+=1
echo %d[14]%

but when I execute: 'echo %n%' -> '25' and 'echo %d[14]%'

'ECHO is disabled.'

2 answers


To get the total number of lines without saving in variable:

  • At the command line or at bat:
%__AppDir__%\find.exe /c /v "" ^<.\tmp.txt
  • To get the total number of lines and save to a variable on the command line:
for /f %i in ('%__AppDir__%\find.exe /c /v "" ^<.\tmp.txt')do set "_linhas=%i"

To get the total number of lines and save to a variable using a bat:

for /f %i in ('%__AppDir__%\find.exe /c /v "" ^<.\tmp.txt')do set "_linhas=%i"

Command would basically be: Find (find) + /count (count) + /void (ignore/avoid) + "" nothingness + "arquivo"

  • To obtain for each row (even empty/blank) and also save them in a corresponding variable, use EnableDelayedExpansion, where at runtime it is possible to obtain in delay, the value of its numeric variable for your index[n] recem incremented, and replacing "%" for "!" when defining/accessing your %var%/ !_var!...
@echo off

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

for /f usebacktokens^=1*delims^=^] %%a in (`
type .\File.txt ^| %__AppDir__%find.exe /n /v "" 
   =;`)do set /a "_n+=1" & >con: call set "_d[%%_n%%]=!_bs!%%b"

:: Acessando todas as linhas salvas em _d[x] :: 
for /l %%l in (1 1 !_n!)do echo\!_d[%%l]! && if %%~l equ !_n! (
     echo\ & echo= Sua linha 14: & echo; "!_d[14]!" & endlocal)

  • Layout option "conventional"
@echo off

cd /d "%~dp0"

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

for /f usebacktokens^=1*delims^=^] %%a in (`%__AppDir__%find.exe /n /v "" ^<.\File.txt`)do (
     set /a "_n+=1" 
     set "_d[!_n!]=%%b"

echo\ !_d[33]!
echo\ !_d[14]!

  • As for the message:

'ECHO está desativado'

> echo /?
Exibe mensagens ou ativa ou desativa o recurso de eco de comando.
 ECHO [memssage] 
Se usado sem parâmetros, Echo exibe a configuração de eco atual.. . 

1. It is not an error message, it is a message that returns the status for the command echo, and since its variable did not receive a runtime value, the command echo %var% is interpreted by cmd.exe (command interpreter), literally as echo:

echo %var_s_valor%
rem :: o mesmo que ::

2. To delete the text that informs the current state of the command echo in test runs, where you can check if the variable received (or displays) any value correctly, try:

echo. %var%
echo; %var%
echo/ %var%
echo\ %var%
echo= %var%
echo+ %var%
echo( %var%
echo[ %var%
echo: %var%

Obs.: When there is no "string" stored in the variable at runtime, any of the commands echo? above you return a blank line and no longer the message from Status [On|Off], but having some value, the character is not displayed with the variable, only the strings...

>set "%d[14]%=" // nada/sem valor/strings
>echo; %d[14]%
[linha em branco]

>set %d[14]%=linha/strings
>echo; %d[14]%


to contribute...

read bat.

@echo off

echo >result.txt
echo >info.txt
echo >naocadastrado.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%s in (new14.txt) do (
    echo USUARIO ====== %%s
    dsquery user -name  " %%s"
    dsquery user -name  " %%s" >> info.txt
    echo USUARIO ====== %%s  >result.txt
    dsquery user -name  " %%s" >> result.txt 

    for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('find.exe /c /v "" ^<.\result.txt') do (
       if %%a EQU 2  echo "USUARIO NORMAL ========"
       if %%a EQU 1  echo "USUARIO NAO CADASTRADO ========"
       if %%a EQU 1  echo %%s>> naocadastrado.txt
    echo ====================================================================================================== 

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