How can I place a fixed page on top of all the pages I open in Lectron?


Viewed 26 times


I’m having a question about how to fix things up in Electron using js or some extension of Electron. Style any web browser. And even if you change to an internet url, continue fixed on top.

Does anyone know how this can be done ?

I would like to make a "menu.html" file and put it on all pages, and if it is directed to a web, example "" it remained fixed at the top, equal to the code below, only being able to customize in html. Someone?

function createWindow () {

  // Other code removed for brevity

  var menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([
          label: 'Menu',
          submenu: [
              {label:'Adjust Notification Value'},

  • This code creates a native system menu. With HTML the menu disappears unless you use an iframe.

  • What do you mean ? I don’t understand exactly

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