How to insert JSON values in Postgresql using Nodejs?


Viewed 95 times


I intend to perform an Insert in a table in Postgresql.

The values that will be used in the query are from a JSON in which I have access through a GET.

method: "GET",
headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + access_token },
).then((value) => value.json())
 .then((json) => {

The JSON file from the above code:

'activities-steps': [
{ dateTime: '2021-03-23', value: '3463' },
{ dateTime: '2021-03-24', value: '449' }, 
{ dateTime: '2021-03-25', value: '4794' },
{ dateTime: '2021-03-26', value: '4992' },
{ dateTime: '2021-03-27', value: '489' }, 
{ dateTime: '2021-03-28', value: '781' }, 
{ dateTime: '2021-03-29', value: '706' }

The connection to the bank works perfectly and I already have Function for the Insert:

async function insertSetps(stepstable) {
const client = await connect();
const sql = "INSERT INTO steps (date,value) VALUES ($1,$2);";
const values = [, stepstable.value];
return await client.query(sql, values);
module.exports = { insertSetps };

How to pass the above JSON values inside the insertSetps function below?

(async () => {
  const db = require("./db.js");

  console.log("Início do insert");
  const result = await db.insertSetps({date: VALORES, value: VALORES});

Could someone help me? Thank you.

1 answer


Could make the insertions using a repeat command, and iterate the elements contained in the array activities-steps.

One way to solve is to iterate over the items using for..of and insert using the command await

async function insertSetps(stepstable) {
    const client = await connect();
    const sql = "INSERT INTO steps (date,value) VALUES ($1,$2)";
    for (const linha of atividades['activities-steps']) {
        const values = [linha.dateTime, linha.value]
        try {
            await client.query(sql,values)
        } catch (e) {
            console.log('Houve um erro: '+e)
    console.log({'msg': 'ok'})
module.exports = { insertSetps };

It was not clear at which moment the json is read, so I’ll put as a comment the reading of the json, and how would be the call of the function to do the insertion:

( async () => {
  const db = require("./db.js");
  //ler json
  //estou supondo que fez a leitura da api fitbit e colocou o conteúdo na variável json conforme o seu exemplo
  const json = {'activities-steps': [
    { dateTime: '2021-03-23', value: '3463' },
    { dateTime: '2021-03-24', value: '449' }, 
    { dateTime: '2021-03-25', value: '4794' },
    { dateTime: '2021-03-26', value: '4992' },
    { dateTime: '2021-03-27', value: '489' }, 
    { dateTime: '2021-03-28', value: '781' }, 
    { dateTime: '2021-03-29', value: '706' }]
  await db.insertSetps(json);
  console.log('Dados inseridos');
  • 1

    thank you! The solution was this way. I did a for to go through the entire JSON string and managed to take each value and insert it into the query.

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