Jupyter notebook has stopped working


Viewed 62 times


I had been using the jupyer notebook for hours and out of nowhere it started to go wrong in all the cells. When I went to run everything from the beginning it made a mistake on EVERYTHING. What might have happened? What do I do?

import numpy as np


NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

< ipython-input-2-62e0f0393730> in <module>

      1 import numpy as np

----> 2 numpy.version.full_version

NameError: name 'numpy' is not defined

In my command prompt I get a notification like this:

c:\program files\python39\lib\site-packages\jupyter_server\transutils.py:13: FutureWarning: The alias `_()` will be
 deprecated. Use `_i18n()` instead.
warnings.warn(warn_msg, FutureWarning)
  • You did import numpy as np then when referring to the numpy use np.

1 answer


Good morning, see that you first imported the numpy and created an alias np

import numpy as np

in the next line should use this alias


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