Mautic insert image into Email body


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This is the message I sent to several sites: nothing yet....

I am a user with little experience in the use of mautic and I already have a big problem to solve by attending an Ong that works with donations via bank bill. They are making a direct mail that will also be sent by email. Then in the body of the Email you have to insert the digit line of the boleto and the image of the barcode. In the contacts, I am creating two custom fields that will be to put the given digitable line and the path (path) of the barcode images (all two text format) I’m using the Mautic using in a hosting I have for testing.

I created Tracking, Campaign, Email, set up Cron Jobs, tested and is working properly. I put in the body of the email the two "widigets" to recover the data the data:

{contactfield=linhadigitavel} {contactfield=codigodebarras} ‍

In the case of the barcode, I put this in the html code of the boleto: <img src="{contactfield=codigodebarras}">

There in the contacts, inside the custom field "codigodebarras" is the image path so: (varying according to contact, evidently)

It should be working right, but that’s not what happens. The digit line is correct, but in the case of the image, the path, it doesn’t work.

I also tried this way using a hint I saw on a site: CSS variable:

:root {
–a1: url(‘{contactfield=codigodebarras}‘);


img {

content: var(–a1);


And in the body of Email I put:

<img width="200" height="300" />

That is, the img variable retrieves the path that is in the custom field {contactfield=codigodebarras}. If I do this procedure directly, that is, without using ː{contactfield=codigodebarras}, placing the path, it works fine, but I want exactly that for each contact is "printed" in the body of the Email the data of the boleto that was generated for this person. Where am I going wrong?

  • A member of a Mautic group on Facebook solved my problem. Abaixo segue o código para quem possa necessitar:&#xA;&#xA;<div style="text-align: center;"><span class="atwho-inserted" data-atwho-at-query="{pro" data-fr-verified="true"><a href="{contactfield=product_url}"><img src="{contactfield=product_image}" alt="{contactfield=product_name}" style="width:207px;height:207px;" class="fr-Fic fr-Dii" align="Middle" width="207" height="207" /></a></span> </div>

1 answer


A member of a Mautic group there on facebook, solved my problem. Below follows the code for anyone who may need:

<div style="text-align: center;"><span class="atwho-inserted" data-atwho-at-query="{pro" data-fr-verified="true"><a href="{contactfield=product_url}"><img src="{contactfield=product_image}" alt="{contactfield=product_name}" style="width:207px;height:207px;" class="fr-fic fr-dii" align="middle" width="207" height="207" /></a></span> </div>

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