How to list an Array in a checkbox, breaking by one of the Array items?


Viewed 40 times


I have the Array below: = this.categorias = [
    {cate: 'oquefazer' , tipo: 'ACESSIBILIDADE:', nome: 'Cadeirante'        , icone: 'fa-wheelchair'},
    {cate: 'oquefazer' , tipo: 'ACESSIBILIDADE:', nome: 'Def.Visual'        , icone: 'fa-blind'},
    {cate: 'oquefazer' , tipo: 'ACESSIBILIDADE:', nome: 'Def.Auditivo'      , icone: 'fa-deaf'},
    {cate: 'oquefazer' , tipo: 'ACEITA CARTÕES:', nome: 'C.Cred. Amex'      , icone: 'fa-cc-amex'},
    {cate: 'oquefazer' , tipo: 'ACEITA CARTÕES:', nome: 'C.Cred. Visa'      , icone: 'fa-cc-visa'},
    {cate: 'oquefazer' , tipo: 'ACEITA CARTÕES:', nome: 'C.Cred. Diners'    , icone: 'fa-cc-diners'},
    {cate: 'oquefazer' , tipo: 'ACEITA CARTÕES:', nome: 'C.Cred. Mastercard', icone: 'fa-cc-mastercard'}

I would like to list this Array in a checkbox as follows:

      [] Cadeirante   [] Def. Visual   [] Def.Auditivo

      [] C.Cred.Amex  []C.Cred Visa    [] C.Cred. Diners  []C.Cred.Mastercard

I am mounting the instruction below unsuccessfully.

Anyone can help?

        <li *ngFor="let item of ca">
            <span *ngif {{item.tipo}} = 
                <input id={{item.nome}} type="checkbox" value={{item.nome}} />

2 answers


I don’t know what your knowledge in Angular, but, the assembly of directives *ngIf are wrong, also did not understand the pq to use tags li, but I will leave an example of how it can be done, for the layout that demonstrated in the question will have to go through the array 2 times to avoid repeating tipos:

  <span>ACESSIBILIDADE: </span><br>
  <span *ngFor="let item of categorias">
    <span *ngIf="item.tipo === 'ACESSIBILIDADE:'">
      <input type="checkbox" id="{{item.nome}}" value="{{item.nome}}" />
      <label for="{{item.nome}}">{{ item.nome }}</label>
  </span> <br><br>
  <span>ACEITA CARTÕES: </span><br>
  <span *ngFor="let item of categorias">
    <span *ngIf="item.tipo === 'ACEITA CARTÕES:'">
      <input type="checkbox" id="{{item.nome}}" value="{{item.nome}}" />
      <label for="{{item.nome}}">{{ item.nome }}</label>

You can see a functional example with your code here.

  • Got it. That’s what I needed. Scroll through the different types of the array. In this case, I have a few more types, so I can do it by your example. Question: how to make a nfFor inside another, so first travel by type and then by name.

  • Yes, I only walked the array 2 times because of the way you want to demonstrate on the screen, depending on the view you can walk only one. Give yes tbm, you can have one *ngFor inside another yes, just have to be careful that complicates a little the control of the code, but, can use yes.


by directive *ngFor hint that you are using Angular 2+.

Hint to make the controller template (*. html) more autonomous (*. ts):

based on your category list template, we have the interface:

interface CategoryValue {
  category: string;
  type: string;
  name: string;
  icon: string;

at that time the category list is of the type CategoryValue[]

well, the main idea is to turn this list into an object, in which the key is the CategoryValue.category and the value itself CategoryValue[], example of the type:

type Categories = { [k: string]: CategoryValue[] };

an option to create this object is to use the reduce , example:


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

interface CategoryValue {
  category: string;
  type: string;
  name: string;
  icon: string;

type Categories = { [k: string]: CategoryValue[] };

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
export class AppComponent {
  title = 'Angular';

 //poderia vir de um serviço, ex CategoriesService.getCategoryList
  categoryList: CategoryValue[] = [
      category: 'oquefazer',
      type: 'ACESSIBILIDADE',
      name: 'Cadeirante',
      icon: 'fa-wheelchair',
      category: 'oquefazer',
      type: 'ACESSIBILIDADE',
      name: 'Def.Visual',
      icon: 'fa-blind',
      category: 'oquefazer',
      type: 'ACESSIBILIDADE',
      name: 'Def.Auditivo',
      icon: 'fa-deaf',
      category: 'oquefazer',
      type: 'ACEITA CARTÕES',
      name: 'C.Cred. Amex',
      icon: 'fa-cc-amex',
      category: 'oquefazer',
      type: 'ACEITA CARTÕES',
      name: 'C.Cred. Visa',
      icon: 'fa-cc-visa',
      category: 'oquefazer',
      type: 'ACEITA CARTÕES',
      name: 'C.Cred. Diners',
      icon: 'fa-cc-diners',
      category: 'oquefazer',
      type: 'ACEITA CARTÕES',
      name: 'C.Cred. Mastercard',
      icon: 'fa-cc-mastercard',

  categories: Categories;

  constructor() {
    this.categories = this.categoryList.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => {
      if (!Array.isArray(accumulator[currentValue.type])) {
        accumulator[currentValue.type] = [];


      return accumulator;
    }, {} as Categories);

With that you can do something like template, with the magic of pipe keyvalue:


  <ul *ngFor="let categoryKeyAndValue of categories | keyvalue; let indexKey = index">
          <li *ngFor="let categoryValue of categoryKeyAndValue.value; let indexValue = index">
              <input type="checkbox" [name]="categoryValue.category" [id]="indexKey + '_' + indexValue" [value]="">
              <label [for]="indexKey + '_' + indexValue">{{}}</label>

outworking: see the result online here

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Beautiful answer, I did not know this pipe, very cool.

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