How to concatenate a result of a case with other fields?


Viewed 67 times



select x+y+
    when 2>1 then 'z'
    else 'w'
from table

Expected result: Xyz

The code above results in error. I couldn’t find anything like it... Admitting that they are all fields of the same type.

  • 1

    How about we move it all along then, example: select 
 when 2>1 then x+y+z
 else x+y+w
from table

1 answer


The items to be added or concatenated must be of the same type as the value to be returned by the excerpt case...when, I made an example using the cast to explain the desired type. In your case, the problem may be that some field is different from what is being returned by the expression case...when.

Considering your example, it would look like this:

  select cast(Coalesce(x,'') as varchar) + cast(Coalesce(y,'') as varchar) + 
       when 2>1 then 'z'
       else 'w'
  from table

Coalesce(x,'') is to prevent error if the field is null.

In case it is text:

  select cast('x' as varchar) + cast('y' as varchar) + 
       when 2>1 then 'z'
       else 'w'

Result: Xyz

In the case of integers:

  select cast('3' as int) + cast('4' as int) + 
       when 2>1 then 4
       else 6

Result: 11

I did not put table in the last two examples, as it is not necessary to include the from table in such cases. Run to see if you solve the problem and match your need.

  • Includes at the beginning the example provided by the user considering x and y as table fields. I considered the possibility of null value cause problem in the execution of the query, preventing such error with the Coalesce.

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