(#200) Permissions error facebook


Viewed 1,496 times


I’m trying to develop an application that does a content search on facebook, example I have a list of keywords, and with these I do the search and facebook will return the content in the form of JSON where it is published and of course the visibility of each post has to be published to be collected, but when I try to run in the browser the url below does not work, follows:



     "error": {
     "message": "(#200) Permissions error",
     "type": "OAuthException",
      "code": 200

when I try to pass the access token another error occurs: https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/search?type=post&q=comida&access_token=[token]


  "error": {
   "message": "(#11) Post search has been deprecated",
   "type": "OAuthException",
   "code": 11

Someone’s been through it?
Thank you in advance.

1 answer


I find the first error irrelevant, because to use the API it is mandatory to use the TOKEN, so I will talk about the second error.

(#11) Post search has been deprecated

According to this response from SO-en

Graphapi version 2.0 does not allow you to search for messages. See updated documentation.

You can continue to search for posts if you change the API call to:


The example adds v1.0/ after https://graph.facebook.com/

But according to this comment

Version v1.0 will no longer work after 30/April/2015.

In other words, such a tool will no longer be available.

Read about the upgrade: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/upgrading

Endpoints no longer available in v2.0

  • /me/locationshas been removed. Use /me/tagged_places.
  • /me/checkins was removed, along with the permission of user_checkins.
  • /me/questions was removed, along with the permission of user_questions. Also include /{page-id}/questions, /{group-id}/questions, /{question-id} and /{question-option-id}.
  • /me/subscribers and /me/subscribedto were removed.
  • /me/username no longer available.
  • /me/notes no longer available, along with the permission of user_notes.
  • /{page-id}/notes no longer available.
  • /{page-id}/questions no longer available.
  • Public Post search no longer available. (/search?type=post&q=foobar)
  • News Feed search no longer available (/me/home?q=foobar)
  • Start Now no longer available.
  • thank you was exact that I wanted to know

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