I am having problems installing rmarkedown in version 4.0.5 of R. I first tried the installation going in files -> rmakedown. But when I click Knit to generate the document, I get the following error message:
Error in (function (file = if (onefile) "Rplots.pdf" else "Rplot%03d.pdf", : cannot open file 'Meu-primeiro-R-markedown_files/figure-latex/pressure-1.pdf' Calls: <Anonymous> ... in_base_dir -> in_dir -> plot2dev -> do.call -> <Anonymous>
Warning message: In has_crop_tools() : Tool(s) not installed or not in PATH: pdfcrop, ghostcript -> As a result, figure cropping will be disabled. Execução interrompida
Someone had this problem and can help me ?