SELECT2 is not returning pre-selected item value


Viewed 27 times


When changing a Select2 option, it is returning all the data correctly, but when I go back to the previous option (which was already selected), it is not searching the values correctly.

Exemplifying better:

I have a "change" form with a Select2 that comes pre-selected with the current value (value01) pulled from the database. So far so good, but when I give a "change" in Lect2 (valu02), it has to change the "price" field in the same form. This part, quiet, I’m doing perfectly. But when I change Select2 again to (value01) it should return the previous price, but this value returns "Undefined", as if it had used a "cache", even though I have the cache as false.

Code of my Lect2:

    $.fn.selects = function(urlcontent, tamanho='1', holder=''){
        $(this).select2( {
            width: '100%',
            selectionTitleAttribute: false,
            minimumInputLength: tamanho,
            language: "pt-BR",
            cache: false,
            escapeMarkup: function (markup) {
                return markup;
            placeholder: holder,
            selectOnClose: true,
            ajax: {
                url: urlcontent,
                type: "post",
                dataType: 'json',
                delay: 250,
                data: function (params) {
                   return {
                      searchTerm: params.term // search term
                processResults: function (response) {
                   return {
                      results: response

Call from the Select2:

$('#id_produto').change(function(e) {


while($reply = mysqli_fetch_object($con)){
    $response[] = array(
        "id" => $reply->iddado,
        "text" => $reply->produtodetalhe,
        "preco" => floatForce($reply->preco)

echo json_encode($response);
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