Good morning guys, after a good study I managed to solve the problem and for those who have this same problem I solved as follows:
There are standard settings for character sets and collations in four levels:
server, database, table and connection.
Each of them has a different solution, keep in mind that in the 4 levels it is necessary to contain the same coding as in the case I am working with utf-8 I will use utf-8 for all levels. let’s do some basic checks:
first check the encoding your file has been saved.
this is found in some code adders usually at the bottom of the application.
as in the case of Vscode and the windows NOTEPAD itself:

After this check, we go to the file code, it is very important that inside the file contains the identification of the type of encoding.
there are two ways to do this:
in the HTML inside the head you can identify as follows
<meta charset="utf-8">`
as shown in the image:

and inside PHP at the beginning of the code use:
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
In this way we establish connection by informing the ultialized encoding.
In case that hasn’t been solved, let’s go deeper.
Now it will be necessary to check the database and its tables they must be in UTF-8 or utf8mb4.
when opening phpmyadmin and accessing the database it is possible to see in the information of the tables the last encoding in each one and check the encoding of the database itself.

The encoding of the database itself is displayed in the last line of the image.
If the base encoding is different from the above levels this is probably the coding problem of your site.
to resolve just select the database and click operations in the top menu

Find the Grouping option (Collation)

and select the correct encoding from the dropdown menu
so the database will be correct, now just check the tables and perform the same procedure in all tables of the database in question.
select the desired table go to operations and find the Grouping option (Collation).
Solved ?? if not, as it was in my case, now it is more complicated, at least it was for me.
Let’s settle it once and for all.
use in phpmyadmin the following command:
show variables like '%char%';
show variables like '%coll%';
The result will be shown in the following image, as shown in the image the circled part the problem was in
collation_server e character_set_server
where its incorrect values were:
character_set_server: latin1
collation_server: latin1_swedish_ci
After correcting for:
character_set_server: utf8mb4_general_ci
collation_server: utf8mb4_general_ci
as shown in the image itself the problem has been solved.

to resolve this configuration access the mysql configuration file can be both my.cnf and my.ini browse the section [mysqld]
and modify the lines in my case was
and modified it to
Attention ! if this problem is happening on the external server (hosting) you probably will not have access to this configuration file then contact the support of the hosting and request the modification.
I hope I’ve helped, any doubt I’m willing to help.
Have you tried changing the Phpmyadmin Encoding configuration?
– Érycson Nóbrega