How to use canvas and Simpledoctemplate to each other? (reportlab)


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I’m doing the exporting of reports through the library reportlab. To insert the text I used the canvas module, and wrote this code that works well.

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas

pdf = canvas.Canvas('exemple3.pdf', pagesize=A4)

pdf.setFont('Helvetica', 14)
pdf.drawString(55, 740, 'RELATÓRIO FEVEREIRO 2021')

pdf.setFont('Helvetica', 22)
pdf.drawString(55, 715, 'PROJECTOS')
pdf.drawString(55, 695, 'MINOR HOTEL GROUP')
pdf.drawString(55, 675, 'HOTÉIS TIVOLI PORTUGAL')

Next I will need to insert a table in the PDF and for that I discovered that the Simpledoctemplate module could help me and so I created the following code that works well separate from the previous one:

from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4
from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Table, TableStyle

elements = []

data= [['Periodo a que diz respeito', startdate + ' a ' + enddate],
       [' ', ' '],
       ['Horas despendidas no período de 01/01/2021 a 20/01/2021', '271,04'],
       ['Por rubrica:', ' ']]

t.setStyle(TableStyle([('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,,
                       ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,,

My question is, how do I put these two codes together? If you have another solution, I’d appreciate it :)

1 answer


Let’s not combine the Canvas method with Simpledoctemplate, it doesn’t make sense. After several searches what ententi is that Canvas is great for generating text, simpler documents and to initially realize a bit of the library reportlab

The solution I came up with was this::

I imported these two variants more from reportlab and kept the same code to generate the table.

from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph
from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle

elements = []

data= [['Periodo a que diz respeito', startdate + ' a ' + enddate],
       [' ', ' '],
       ['Horas despendidas no período de 01/01/2021 a 20/01/2021', '271,04'],
       ['Por rubrica:', ' ']]

t.setStyle(TableStyle([('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,,
                       ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,,

Text is being added to the array Elements through the variable Paragraph reportlab. The style variable is the one that will give this text another aspect.

style = ParagraphStyle('heading1',
                       fontName = 'Helvetica-Bold',
                       fontSize = 20,
                       textColor =,
                       leading = 20)

elements.append(Paragraph('RELATÓRIO FEVEREIRO 2021', style))
elements.append(Paragraph('PROJECTOS', style))
elements.append(Paragraph('TIVOLI HOTEIS', style))

elements.append(t)#adiciona a tabela à variavel elements

pdf = SimpleDocTemplate('exemple3.pdf', pagesize=A4)

Finally,' will add the text and table to the PDF report, with the configured formatting.

I’m new around here, sorry if I didn’t explain it well. Feel free to ask questions.

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