I can’t get a variable out of a function


Viewed 13 times


I’m trying to make a currency converter, but I can’t get the object out of the fetch, although I read this question don’t understand yet what I should do, I am obliged to make the conversion within the then? even using an asynchronous function, how do I use "dataFinal" out of the?

const pegaDados = () => {
  let url = `https://economia.awesomeapi.com.br/json/all/${moedaFinal.value}-BRL`;
  let dadosFinais;

  if (moedaInicial.value != "R$") {
    url = url + `,${moedaInicial.value}-BRL`;

    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((dados) => {
      dadosFinais = Object.assign(dados);


  • Yes, you will always have to deal with the data within the then. Or use asynchronous function. But even using the asynchronous function (which by itself also returns, "implicitly", a promise when it is called), the then and catch still should, in theory, be used to have knowledge of when the "asynchronous processing" was finalized. See Using promises on MDN.

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