Are there Patterns shared between functional and object-oriented paradigm?


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Desing Patterns is a subject that has strong appeal to object orientation. We can hardly see in the literature these subjects associated with another paradigm. However, in version 16.8 of React came the Hooks, which allowed using React features without using classes, bringing greater appeal from the library to the functional paradigm. There was already criticism of the way to use classes in React, but I wanted to stick to the subject of the Patterns. The biggest question is this: Can normal knowledge of project patterns be reused in a functional paradigm at some level? New paradigm, new good practice? It is possible to reuse the knowledge of Patterns design in programming works?

  • 2

    I believe that refining the text, removing the tags [tag:javascript] and [tag:React] and adding the tag [tag:software engineering] adds more value to your question.

  • Thank you. I’ll change!

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