How to import CSV files from a same level folder (and/or above) in Python?


Viewed 94 times


I have already searched several topics here, unsuccessfully however. So, if there is already an equal question, please forgive me and indicate a solution. My project is articulated as follows:

linuxServer # /

My idea is to use the to call the fileCsv.csv. I can’t run the csv reader inside But if I test on it works:


import csv

somelist = []
with open('data/arquivoCsv.csv', 'r', encoding='ISO-8859-1')as csvFile:
    itens = csv.reader(csvFile, delimiter =';')
    for line in itens:



import csv

somelist = []
with open('linuxServer/data/arquivoCsv.csv', 'r', encoding='ISO-8859-1')as csvFile:
    itens = csv.reader(csvFile, delimiter =';')
    for line in itens:

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'linuxServer/data/arquivoCsv.csv'

PS: tips if the legal structure or need to change something will be welcome.

  • 1

    you tried to use '../data/arquivoCsv.csv' ?? In fact ../../../. But this would not be the best option. The is imported by ?

  • Yes, it gives the same error: Filenotfounderror: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '.. /data/fileCsv.csv' Yes, module is imported into

  • If you are having difficulties in the file and are using a gnu/linux open the terminal in the folder csv and a pwd for it to show the path and paste in the csv reading direction.. Or inside the folder that the python files put the csv.. thus becoming open('arquivoCsv.csv')

  • The issue is that I don’t want to change any file from place. To on mac, hence pdw doesn’t work

1 answer


In the do something like:

import os

diretorio_base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))  # ou use "." no lugar do `__file__`
diretorio_data = os.path.join(diretorio_base, "data")

When calling the function you are in pass the diretorio_data as a parameter

Then just do it:

with open(os.path.join(PARAMETRO_RECEBIDO_PARA_DIRETORIO_DATA, 'arquivoCsv.csv'), 'r', encoding='ISO-8859-1')as csvFile:
  • Deu certo assim:
dir_base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('./linuxServer'))
dir_data = os.path.join(diretorio_base, "data")

e dai lá no with open, em vez de usar a vírgula, usei o + pra concatenar. The only question is, whenever I need a file in other folders, will I need to pass the base folder and the one I want to access as parameter? There is no way to always access directly?

  • Can someone tell me why you voted negative so I can improve the answer ?

  • @Éricopiantkoski , imagine that your program can be installed by different people in different directories. The ideal is not to fix the place it will be installed. Using os.path, you will give the opportunity of this flexibility

  • Thanks a lot @Paulomarques helped a lot

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