Failed to build Android Studio project :app:packageDebug


Viewed 81 times


    Execution failed for task ':app:packageDebug'.
> A failure occurred while executing$IncrementalSplitterRunnable
   > Entry name 'res/animator/linear_indeterminate_line1_head_interpolator.xml' collided

The build is done successfully but when I will generate apk or send to my device this error

1 answer


  • Try to make a "Clean Project" as in the image below.

  • Run the application again, if the error still occurs, go to your folder: res -> Animator

  • Find the xml "linear_indeterminate_line1_head_interpolator.xml", remove it if not necessary, and if necessary try to find the same duplicate file in File Explorer (Sometimes it does not appear in Android Studio), if there is none, rename or even create again making "Clean Project" to each process.

cleanning gradle

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