How to develop a Combobox that updates due to what is written in C#itself


Viewed 33 times


First the scenario:

I am developing a C# system with the SQL Server database. At the moment I find myself with the following problem: I am developing a form of Sale, and in it I have a combobox where I bring the name of the customers.

And in this combobox I would like the items he has updated arising from what is written on it. Exe: Similar to google search, American, extra and etc. Style an autocomplete, and it is necessary to use the combobox, because in it I have to bring the name on the display and the code in the value of the combobox.

I’ve done a post here with this same problem but no one could answer me.

Help - C# how to update combobox? type autocomplete

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

  • I will vote to close and put a reward on the question.

  • I’m sorry if I did something wrong I’m new and the post was old and no one answered, I didn’t know how to update so that answers themselves so I created this. if that’s the case I can delete.

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