Good afternoon everyone, I’m having a little problem with the server express in a Node JS application with typescript, typeorm and postgres SQL where when executing the command npm run dev
the server starts normally but when trying to run the routes with Insomnia Rest it returns the message as if the server is not running, but in the terminal the server continues running normally. The problem began to occur after the refactoring of models
and creation of new routes in the application.
Message displayed in India
Error: Couldn’t connect to server
Note: when trying to access routes through the browser it doesn’t even return cannot: get/.
Script no Package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "jest",
"dev": "nodemon -L --watch 'src/' --exec 'ts-node --files src/server.ts' -e ts",
"typeorm": "ts-node-dev node_modules/typeorm/cli"